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South America » Argentina » Mendoza » Mendoza
January 26th 2023
Published: January 26th 2023
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Last day of the trip so we thought we’d go out with a blast! Another hotel breakfast (we’ve really had enough of ham and cheese!) and headed to Potrerillos - about an hour away from Mendoza and past a huge reservoir, one of the bluest bodies of water we’d ever seen - stark contrast to the dusty red surrounds and the ‘chocolate’ river that was feeding it…the one we were about to raft in!

Everything sorted (uncharacteristically efficiently!) and got kitted up before we were put onto a bus and driven to our starting point. We were given ‘special’ treatment as we were the only English speakers but they went out of their way to make sure we were comfortable and everything was understood.

The heat was starting to build up in our layers of heat so we were glad to get on the water and get going. Lots of fun on the way down, with paddling and being tossed all around the place in the boat. Everyone got absolutely soaked (thankfully more prepared than at Iguassu!) and we all had lots of fun. The kids took the back seats and got some additional ‘get down’ commands but everyone came out unscathed and laughing…even if with mouthfuls of silty water.

Back to the base for some lunch (last asado meal!!) and back to the hotel for a relaxing afternoon and preparation for tomorrow’s long journey home.

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