Last full day in Buenos Aires

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December 8th 2011
Published: December 8th 2011
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Tuesday 6 December ........... After breakfast we walked to the Recoleta Cemetery where Ava Peron is buried. The cemetery had many elaborate structures and crypts to accommodate their family remains (quite morbid really), families who were either well off or famous. From the cemetary we went to wait for on off bus at a recgonised bus stop, however the bus never came, seems they changed the route but never removed the stop, after missing two buses we finally went to another stop and decided to visit the fine arts museum where we saw works by Rodin, Van Gough. We finally caught the on off bus to La Boca, to watch some street performers dancing the Tango. We sat in front of a run down bar with an elevated stage drinking beer admiring the dancers and the dog begging for a Hong Kong couples Steak, we finished up on stage taking very touristy photos with the Gaucho and Seniorita. A very touristy area but made famous through the Italian immigrants who settled in this district years ago. The area is very poor and you wouldn't choose to venture out here at night. Many of the buildings are in disrepair, corrugated iron, double story and brightly painted.
Caught the on off to Peurto Madero made a mad dash to the el banyo in the hilton, damn beer and bus rides. We then wandered along the newly constructed water front, with bars, cafes, models being photographed and boats sculling along the river Plate. We then wandered into central Buenos Aires to have a coffee in the oldest cafe in BA - Cafe Tortoni. A beautiful interior with ornate lead lights, paintings, floor boards, large majestic bar. They also have Tango shows regularly. We may come back before we return home. A lot of contrasts in BA the well to do and tourists walking the roughly paved streets along with those families going through the rubbish of the day sorting the recyclables. Found a great restaurant (from the lonely planet) - La Carbon fantastic food (steaks of course) wine and sweets and great service, and it only cost $70 Aussie. Probably expensive on BA terms but worth every paseo! We are getting better at holding off for dinner and started eating after 9.30 pm, which we did that night arrived Back at hotel after 11.


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