Buenos Aires

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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires
February 6th 2017
Published: March 5th 2017
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After having reached the bottoms of the world, I took a flight up to Buenos Aires. The temperature shock and the civilisation shock!! I was not prepared for this! It is a huge city! It has some very pretty areas and some less pretty like every capital. I went to visit the square where la casa rosada is and the museum behind it, different areas of the city including la Boca. I did a walking tour there cause it sounded like an interesting history ! It is the area where all the immigrants arrived as it used to be the main harbour. At first immigrants were welcome but when the president changed, they were not welcome anymore so they arrived with nothing and built home with scrap from boat materials. Nowadays it is a very colourful area because of an artist who wanted to attract more people here to bring work for the locals, tourism is very important for hen now. It is also where tango started, as dance between two men: it was actually a fight over a woman originally as there weren't many women immigrants at first.

It was an interesting tour. I also got to see a

Évita's tomb
friend of mine from primary school, Clara, we had not seen each other in 15years so this was really fun and there was a lot to catch up on! I wish all the best and hopefully it won't be 15 years till we see each other again haha!

Buenos Aires felt like a very cultural city with lots of museums and shows! Very entertianing !

I also spent a day in Tigre, the weekend destination of people from BA, it was really nice, it is a delta so they call it the Venice of BA cause you need to reach your holiday home by boat but it's all in vegetation.
Photos to come but as usual they are not on my phone.

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12



Ruins of the fortress under la casa rosada

La boca

La Boca Football stadium

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