St Helena

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Saint Helena
January 24th 2014
Published: February 4th 2014
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25 – 28 Jan ST Helena

Absolutely LOVE St Helena. Had a few days here, pottering around and exploring. A little ferry boat comes out to collect yachties on the hour as there is no dinghy landing. It costs 2 pound per person return trip. Top biggest highlight was swimming with the whale sharks. We just hopped in our zodi about 4pm and headed out about a mile off to sea. Then, when you see the dorsal fin and tail, you head towards it, jump in the water and try to keep up. The one we swam with often returned back to check us out, so we really didn’t have to swim very far. The first time I jumped in, I was following it around (and boy they can move fast although it looks slow) so I’m kicking full bore trying to keep up with it and one of my flippers fell off. Well, I wasn’t sure how long it was going to hang around, so I just kept swimming with one flipper. Kicking for all my worth to stay with it. (the next day the tops of my thighs hurt like you wouldn’t believe – especially my left one – the one that had the flipper on) Finally It had taken off, so I decided to get back in the zodi, I was just about to jump back in when I saw the other people snorkelling close by. I put my goggles on and stuck my head in the water and there he was, right in front of me. I have to admit I let out a little squeal as he was sooooo close and then swam right on after him – my goggles weren’t on properly though and kept on filling up with water, so I didn’t stay in for long this time. The next day we met up with Robert – a 78year old local guide who was going to take us on a half day tour of the island. He was born and brought up on St Helena and knows it all. A very lovely guy and he has a ute, with canvas sides rolled down and we sat in the back. He took us to many different spots including all 3 of the places where Napoleon lived when he was in exile on the island. Took us to a distillery and plantation house where Jonathan lives – a 97 year old tortoise. Gave us so much information on the island, it was just fantastic! Back to the boat and sundowners on Boomerang. BBQ dinner to celebrate Australia Day! Departed 28th Jan.

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