
Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Ascension Island
February 7th 2014
Published: March 10th 2014
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3rd - 7th February – Ascension Island

Stayed a few days longer than originally planned at Ascension as Luuk from Boomerang had an operation for his hernia and we wanted to make sure all went well there before departing. He was diagnosed in St Helena and John and Debby were going to have it operated on in Caribbean, but decided (and advised) to get it done sooner rather than later.

Ascension is a breeding ground for turtles and now is nesting time, so every morning we can see turtle tracks on the beach. Apparently at this stage there are too many turtles nesting so sometimes another next gets dug up accidently as the turtle is digging her new nest. it's very different from St Helena, but then again, guess it had a different purpose. It is so volcanic, the hills are bare and red and hot looking, and then there is Green Mountain which is more like a rainforest when you get up the top. The vegetation on Green Mountain has been imported and planted way back to try and improve water retention..and it worked!! (that's how the information sign is written)

We also hired a car today and drove around the island. Went to see the 'blow hole' but as it was low tide, it wasn't blowing very high!! Went to the top of Green Mountain and had a little walk. It was so nice to be up in the clouds and cool, rather than in the sun and sweating!! Also there are heaps of banana plants up there and we were told earlier that we could help ourselves to some bunches. So hunter and gatherer, Phil got 4 bunches. One for Boomerang, Tinopai, Karacool, and us. Had dinner at the bar on the US Army base, which has no border control for the base, anyone can just drive in and have a look around. Same with the English one. Luuk is recovering well from his operation and was back on board after just one night in hospital.


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