Routeburn Track

Published: May 28th 2020
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Routeburn TrackRouteburn TrackRouteburn Track

Arriving at Key Summit
After finishing the Milford Track, I overnighted at Te Anau, before been picked up by the Ultimate Hikes coach to take us to the start of the Routeburn Track. The Routeburn Track is only a 3 day and 2 night trek, covering just over 32 kms.

The start of the walk was up hill and after about an hour we came to Key Summit. This gave you some great views over the lake and towards the mountains. The trail was quite easy and the rainfall over the last few days, gave the landscape some great waterfalls and swollen rivers. When going through some tree lined areas, the track was surrounded by trees covered by moss and granfathers beard which gave it an enchanted look. Absolutely beautiful.

Day two, was probably the best day of both treks. The weather was beautiful, the air crisp and the scenery simply amazing. The snow covered peaks were stunning and whilst not the height of the Himalayas, awe inspiring all the same. My attached pictures hopefully give you some feeling of the beauty of this area.

Day three and the rain was back with a vengeance. The track was fine and scenery lovely,
Routeburn TrackRouteburn TrackRouteburn Track

View from Key Summit
but alot of time was taken with just watching where you were stepping to ensure you didn't fall. Trees were down over some parts of the track, so we had to divert around them. Eventually got to the trail end, where our transport awaited us. At the end of the trail, we were able to change out of our soaked gear before travelling back to Queenstown, after a stop in a local pub, for a rewarding beer.

Ultimate Hikes is certainly a well organised company. Their accomodation, food and guides were faultless.

Between the Milford Track and the Routeburn Track I would probably say I preferred the Routeburn for its scenery. The bad weather which impacted both treks was unfortunate but the benefit of travelling with Ultimate Hikes was that their huts gave you great accomodation and the benefit to launder your clothes to start fresh next day.

Additional photos below
Photos: 18, Displayed: 18


Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

Track with moss and granfather's breard, looking enchanted
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

On way to Mackenzie Lodge, Earland Falls
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

View across the valley
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

View of track and across valley
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

Again, beautiful track, with ferns and moss ground cover.
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

Great view across valley
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

Approaching Mackenzie Lodge
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

Looking towards Lake Mackenzie
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

Walking towards Ocean Peak Corner
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

Views from Ocean Peak Corner
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

Views from Ocean Peak Corner
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

More views from Ocean Peak Corner, was certainly a special place to sit and take in the view
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

On the way down to Routeburn Falls Lodge
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

View from Conical Hill
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

On way down to Routeburn Falls Lodge
Routeburn TrackRouteburn Track
Routeburn Track

On way down to Routeburn Falls Lodge

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