Overcome Your Fear, In Sydney (Part I)

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September 23rd 2015
Published: January 12th 2016
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Sydney Writers WalkSydney Writers WalkSydney Writers Walk

A walk from Sydney Harbour Bridge, Overseas Passenger Terminal to the Sydney Opera House consist of embedded plaques to honour Australian and international authors. I tried to take photo of all of them but didn't have enough time, let me share one of my favourite, by Mark Twain.
Part I

I am, more or less, two hours away from my destination and I feel tired, I can't get some sleep, maybe I'm just not used to a long travel. My usual flight takes 2 to 3.5 hours as all were in Asia. I don't know what to expect when I arrived but I'm really excited for tomorrow's event. Wondering if there might be some familiar faces around to mingle with but hope to make new acquaintances too.

Yesterday I woke up early to finalize my itinerary and I'll try to adhere to it as much as possible, unless something comes up. I have checked the weather as well for the coming week, it would be windy and a bit of showers on the first 2 days; and temperature ranges from 9 to 17 degrees centigrade. I am used to cold weather, at some point, as I studied in one of the universities in Baguio City, considered the coldest place in the Philippines. On normal days, the temperature ranges from 16 to 25 degrees centigrade but in December it can be as cold as 9 degrees. The fog can be so thick, it is almost impossible to travel considering the roads are carve out from the sides of the mountains. I travelled from school to my home town every weekend and vice versa on Sundays so I've had had my share of such trip. There were instances whereby trips were cancelled due to the fog and heavy down pour. That was over 10 years ago, have not been there for a while now. Probably I'll schedule a visit on one of my next trip to Philippines.

It will be a whole new experience traveling to another continent. I'm kinda proud of my self at this moment, unlike my previous travels, I read about the place and planned my itinerary. Cool. I think I am taking much credit for this. Let 's just say I am alone and I don't have anyone to depend on should something go wrong. Honestly, I'm scared as I am traveling alone this far for the first time.

I will definitely be trying all the public transport available, I've planned my way to the city. An exception is my arrival, I'll be taking a cab. As mentioned in my previous blogs, I love scenic places so my first stop will be at St Mary's Cathedral followed the Australian Museum, these buildings are not so far from each other. The Australian Museum is known to be the oldest museum in Australia. I am in much anticipation on the flabbergasting experience. I'd also added the Queen Victoria Building which was built some time in 1800s, I need to see with my own eyes the difference between the two clocks inside this historical building. This Romanesque inspired architecture was built for trade, mercers buying and selling. This building was almost demolished a little over the mid 1900s, until they decided to have it renovated considering its historical significance and being one of the oldest building in Australia. The eye tower is also on my list. I will probably visit "The Rocks", and if I still have time I will drop by the Bondi Beach. This will be a challenge as the travel will take an hour by train and bus. The duration of my trip is 7 days but 4 days of it is attending the seminar "Unleash the Power Within". So that left me with today and a day after the seminar, the last day will just be for packing and traveling to the airport.

Watching some videos of Anthony Robbins prior to this trip helped a lot to boost motivation, I adored his explanation of what causes people to be unhappy and how changing one's state is critical. First, you have to list down things causing you unhappiness, i.e. you do not like your job, you struggle financially, you do not have the relationship or intimacy that you wanted. This is your current blue print, this is what makes you, You. On the other hand think of how you wanted your life to be, how you planned them and your perception of being fulfilled and happy. Try to compare the cause of your unhappiness and the ideal life you perceived. These are connected, therefore unhappiness of a person equates to the variance between your ideal life and your current state. I think my head is running across so many things while seated at J12.

Yay! I guess that's excitement knocking at me!

I've written the above epigraph while on flight and didn't get the chance to write since. After the trip, my symptomatic gallstones caused me so much discomfort. My body was in pain and filled with agony but I managed to keep my thoughts positive. Diet was an issue as I cannot take anything with oil or cream. Most asian delicacies are sautéed and hospital foods tagged as low fat also has a tinge of oil in it, though lesser compared to normal. I end up requesting for porridge for my meals and my brother and friends brought fruits. It went on for 2 months which consist of three hospitalisation, several sick leaves and few under time from work, until I got operated successfully (cholecystectomy), followed by 3 weeks of post operative rest. Weight loss was inevitable in these 2 months, having shed 6 kg. My diet is better now.

Doctors and nurses has been my friend, I have admired them and their dedication to their profession, not an easy job to save lives. My personal nurses are my family and friends, I feel so lucky!

I am not good in cracking jokes but I refer to myself now as a lady with an organ less.

Another way to put it, a second chance.. for everything! I may have gone through a lot of pain but I am renewed and was given another chance for things waiting to be accomplished. Isn't it enough reason to smile everyday and be thankful. Just be thankful.

Things happen for a reason, even the worst thing could be the best gift there is.. time will soon reveal.

To be continued..


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