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February 17th 2015
Published: February 17th 2015
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G'day everyone, ok, gave you an idea where we're staying, now I know you're all envious, don't be, I will try and get some night time photos for you if you want !! All joking apart, it has saved us a bomb on accommodation in Sydney, as I said before, very expensive here. So we have just had dinner in a very nice pub, special offer, steak, chips and salad, yummie. We're sat by the bridge, getting dark now, but we have wi-fi here so doing all the updates we can. Well today we set off walking again, walk walk and lots of walking in very hot weather, but not complaining, just incase you think I am !! So we decided I needed a bit of scaring again, well why not, it's been a while !!! So headed into the city to go up The Sydney Tower. We had to go through a lovely posh shopping mall to get to the ticket counter, I said to Stu, leave me here, I will be happy, but oh no, off we go, to be given a pair of 3d glasses and into a movie theatre we go. Ok, this is good and it certainly was, they showed a film based on a bird that came flying out of the screen, then we were sailing and water was sprayed over us, then we were riding the waves, surfing, got sprayed again, really loving this, it was great fun, never wanted to leave there !! But it finished so off we go into the dreaded lift which was as tiny as you like. Nearly passing out, doing my yoga breathing, looking on the floor, zooming up so fast into the sky and then doors open and out we came. Yes the views were fantastic, got my bearings. Stu had done this before but knew I wanted to do it !! Ehh could have stayed in the shopping mall, love Chanel and Dior !!! So after a good look around Sydney, back in the box lift, zooming and zooming down to the ground feel like we're going to crash !! Came out of there like a jelly!! Really gotta sort myself out, ridiculous at my age. Oh yes, some tip bits about the tower, took 6 years to build at a cost of 26 million Aussie dollars, weighs 2,239 tons and is the tallest building in Sydney. It does have an outside where you can go but you have to wear a boiler suit and get hooked on to the side. No, no, no, had enough of that in Melbourne.

From there we walked to The Anzac Memorial which was built for the soldiers in the First World War but is now used for all service Persons. Very interesting place, Stu was talking to a chap there who served in the Vietnam war, he seemed to like the fact Stu was in the Navy. We had a good look around and watched a short film about how it was built.

We then walked again to St Andrews Cathedral, lots of people sat outside in deck chairs, people sit everywhere. Just to correct from yesterday, Michael Hutchence's funeral was held here, not St Mary's Cathedral as I previously said in my blog. Then we plodded on to Sydney Fish Market which was really exciting, very buzzy and noisey. The fish down there was amazing, I don't think we have ever seen that amount of fish, so we decided to sample some lobster and it truly was delicious.

We then walked over to Darling Harbour which is just beautiful, loads of restaurants, bars, museums, Sea Life and just loads and loads of things to look at. My neck has got longer, really too much to take in. I think by the end of this trip, I will have to get a new camera, it will have worn out. We walked over the Darling Harbour bridge and they play music from speakers on there, 'smooth sounds', really lovely to hear whilst looking out to the harbour. Sydney is amazing, I am surprised how much I like it, you hear these things and see photos of Sydney but really until you come here, there is nothing like it. The Opera house is my favourite. I asked Stu what his favourite thing is, he can't give me an answer, says 'I don't know, that's a trickey one'. I don't think it is, it is just a straight forward question ???

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17th February 2015

Hello you hostel dwellers,thought it looked ok in the photo though. Love seeing all the photos of all the wonderful places you are visiting. Daron away in Poland this week,home late Thursday,funeral Friday,be glad to get that over:-(x Keep your Brady Blog coming,I for one am loving it.x Love Dolly.x

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