Beaufort, South Carolina - ICW mile 536

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November 30th 2008
Published: December 1st 2008
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

the route so far

Tides and currents have become of daily interest.
In Albermarle Sound there is no tide and the only current is wind driven. Here in Beaufort the tidal range is 8 - 10 feet and the current can run at 4 knots. we entered one river doing 2mph and left it doing 9!

We have made good progress in the past 2 weeks and have racked up a few needed "gold star"days (spent no money.)

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


low tide on the ICWlow tide on the ICW
low tide on the ICW

we try to time our runs to coincide with the currents but sometimes come across 5 or 6 changes a day
"Rising Tide" at anchor"Rising Tide" at anchor
"Rising Tide" at anchor

this fellow traveller has been solidy aground 3 times - once pulled off by a shrimp boat - but here is safely at anchor just north of Charleston
US Thanksgiving dinnerUS Thanksgiving dinner
US Thanksgiving dinner

we celebrated Thanksgiving with the Brit couple off Baroness - meals aboard always taste better

sad reminder of the many hurricanes that have passed this way
Charleston HarbourCharleston Harbour
Charleston Harbour

Charleston has a beautiful habour but we has to be careful as it is a minefield of floats on crabpots that can foul your prop
cruising to Beaufortcruising to Beaufort
cruising to Beaufort

it was quite a surprise early in the morning to see this ship in the narrow channel - glad we were safely at anchor out of his way
Charleston mansionsCharleston mansions
Charleston mansions

one of the prettiest of the Old South cities
follow the towboatfollow the towboat
follow the towboat

groundings are common and everyone has insurance with a towboat company - we called once but managed to get ourselves off before he arrived... it is common to follow a boat being towed through a tricky part as in most cases the water is murkey and the sandbanks shift so local knowledge is valuable.

Tot: 0.056s; Tpl: 0.01s; cc: 13; qc: 30; dbt: 0.0205s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.1mb