NYC - Girls weekend! Night 1, Day 1

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April 26th 2014
Published: May 3rd 2014
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The final leg of my North American "tour" was meeting up with a couple of college girlfriends (including my bestie!) for a long weekend of fun and catching up. I think it's been about 3 years since I last saw Candice and Lizzie, so there was a lot to talk about.

Unfortunately, the start to my journey was not the best. The line of storms that ravaged the midwest and deep south was on its way through the east coast, which apparently shut down JFK for a while. So, my flight from DC had a two hour delay, AFTER they had already boarded us on the plane. They made us wait at the gate because they didn't know when - the bar was not far away and I seriously considered getting another drink, but contained myself. We got back on the plane and were AGAIN delayed because they, doh!, realized we might need more fuel in case of a holding pattern. So, after another 20+ minute wait, we were finally on the way. And the turbulence was frightening. Pretty sure we flew right threw storm clouds - I saw some amazing flashes of lightening at times. The beverage service was cancelled and it was completely silent while we twisted threw the air, including a few jumps and drops where I thought I would barf. But made it we did. I came to the baggage terminal and waited for about 20 minutes before I saw my silver suitcase. And waited for my orange backpack. And waited. And waited. And waited some more! Finally, after 25 minutes, I located the hidden baggage assistance office, where two other guys from my flight were also waiting. They were surprised I had my first piece of luggage, and called the baggage handlers to deliver our luggage asap. After 10 minutes, I saw my backpack coming towards me. The idiots had apparently left it out in the elements, god knows where, and it was soaked.*

*This leads me to my complaint about TSA - I am fine with these guys going through my bags, but for god's sake, at least ATTEMPT to put my stuff back the way it goes, or at the very least, don't allow things to break, rip, or leak. This happened to me twice on my trip. The idiots took out my natural peanut butter from my double bags and so my clothes were covered in peanut butter/oil when I got to DC. Then in my soaked orange backpack, they apparently ripped my bag of cajun rice from the same Mennonite market and put it back only in the one bag and UPSIDE DOWN in my backpack, so I was picking rice out of my backpack and clothes for days. Ridiculous!

Further, since my flight was significantly delayed, I tried to call the hotel (Hampton Inn - Times Square North) to allow them to let my friends check in. They refused. Refused!!! I said, I don't even know if I will make it in tonight since they may cancel it and you want them to wander around NYC!?!?! The woman tried to be nice, but was firm - I get it that it's a policy, and not even bad one, but sometimes s**t happens and you need to work around it. So, I told Can and Lizzie to go ahead and see a show without me.

Well, needless to say, once I had finally made it to Manhattan via a typical NYC cab driver and my dad on the phone keeping me company, I was tired and a bit grouchy. Lizzie and Can had been enjoying their evening. They had gone to see "Once" on Broadway and loved it. I was a little jealous.... We went straight to the liquor store (since it closed at 11pm and it was close to that time) and went back to the room where I attempted to catch up with about half a bottle of wine (I did not feel my best in the morning).

The next day, we were able to sleep in and took our time getting up for the day. I went down to partake in the free breakfast; definitely does not hold a candle to any of the places I stayed in Europe, but at least I got something in my belly. The eggs were like bright yellow and the sausage tasted like cardboard, the fruit was good though. At least the WiFi was free at this place too - breakfast, WiFi and location were the main reasons I picked this spot in addition to the excellent reviews. It was not a bad hotel, but I was not impressed and while the woman who I had spoken to on the phone checked me and was very nice, I
Central ParkCentral ParkCentral Park

Lizzie, Candice and I
was still annoyed. The staff really were great though.

I digress significantly!

We decided to walk up to Central Park and took our first pictures of us as a trio before walking along the southern end of the park. Then we entered the area of high fashion. I'm not much of a shopper, and I was getting sick (my niece gave me a cold I think), but it was interesting to see so many of these famous stores in NYC (I'm used to many in Dubai and Doha malls, where shopping is the only way of life). We checked out Kate Spade which is her first store and the flagship - it was pretty cool! Four floors of high end things. Then the girls took me to Tory Burch, where I think I found my personal favorite. I wound up buying a purse.

We then did some more shopping - FAO Schwartz where I bought some puzzles (I so miss puzzles!), Bloomingdales, etc. We also had frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity, where Lizzie really wanted to go. It was a cute little place, but by then I was just not feeling good, so while they went to do some more shopping, I caught a taxi back to the hotel. I tried to sleep, but mostly it was nice just to lay down for a while. When they returned a couple of hours later, they were loaded to the brim with bags from various stores. "This is what happens when you let us go on our own, Lexi!" Too funny! But by then I was feeling better and ready to see more of NYC!!!

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