The Catherder and his wife head West to Lib Land (Oregon/Washington)

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August 31st 2020
Published: August 31st 2020
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Well folks. here it is September, which means another trip and another blog. As most of you already know we were booked for a British Isles cruise this year, but due to the Covid virus it was cancelled. So, on to plan "B". Since we all enjoyed our previous RV trips, we decided to do another one this time through Oregon and Washington state, a part of the country we have not visited before. We will be flying into Portland, OR where we will be picking up our 30' RV's. Ray suggested we buy some black hoodies and head downtown, but decided that would not be a good idea as Oregon does not have reciprocity with New Hampshire for concealed carry {ha, ha!}.
We plan on heading North into Washington and visiting Mt. St Helen's, Mt Rainier,and Olympia National Park, then head down the coast line into Oregon. Along with the beautiful Oregon coast we plan to visit Crater Lake, NP, The Columbia River gorge, and travel many of the scenic byways throughout Oregon. We have been busy marking up the map with our route, and have made all of our campground reservations. Winging where to stay along the way was out of the question, as the campgrounds are much busier this year, and some were already full. Diane and I have planned our dinner menus and started our grocery list. As always our first stop will be a super Wal-Mart for supplies and wine. Looks like it will be a great trip, and we hope you all enjoy following along.


1st September 2020

Be careful
Brave folks. At least have Ray take a ball bat for protection.

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