Farewell Gust O'Wind

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January 31st 2014
Published: February 1st 2014
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Our adventures with Gust O'Wind are over.

We have sold our second home to a real gentleman from The Cayman Islands, Carson Ebanks, who intends to sail her there in March.

She was ours for 13 years almost to the day. We bought her on a 'snow day' (schools closed) late in January 2001.

She took us from Lake Ontario, through the Welland Canal, Lakes Erie, St. Clair and Huron to Georgian Bay where we spent 8 great seasons sailing out of our base in Wiarton around Georgian Bay and the North Channel. We learned so much about true cruising in those years and found many great anchorages.

In October of 2009 we put her on a truck and shipped her to Deltaville, Virginia. That is where this blog began 54 entries ago.

No need to relive the adventures of the past 5 years as they are all here.

When she was hauled out of the water last April we both knew the time had come to move on.

The salt environment is very hard on her and upkeep was becoming more and more of a challenge for us. We wanted to sell her when she still looked as fine as when we bought her, not when she (and we!) were too old and tired to attract a new owner who would care for her.

We have said often that shared experiences aboard with family and friends are the most treasured we have. We have met and made friends with so many other boaters over the past 13 years thanks to Gust O'Wind. We will recall these memories and friendships as we move on.

Carson is a former Olympic sailor for the Caymans. He went to university in Canada and is married to a Canadian.

He really did his research and wanted a CS. The design of the 34 suits his needs.

He has asked us to 'boat sit' until the end of February (that suits us perfectly) then with his crew of 3 will sail her back home. He has a waterfront property and will build a dock to accommodate her. We have made tentative plans to visit him next year and go out for a sail.

As this blog was started to recount our travels on Gust O'Wind, it will be our last.

We will not stop our travelling of course and if you want to keep track of us please add a comment at the end of this blog.

Farewell from us and from Gust O'Wind.

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


with new owner Carsonwith new owner Carson
with new owner Carson

not sure who has the biggest smile

1st February 2014

Wow! New adventures await!
I don't know why this makes me sad but it does. An end of a chapter I guess! I am sure there are many more wonderful adventures for you both ahead! Happy travels always! Karen (a dolphin chic)
1st February 2014

Gust O'Wind no more
Happy and sad for you at the same time - what an adventure you have had Marlie and Ian!!! Enjoy your travels where ever that might be - keep in touch - love, love your blogs!! Your forever friend, Lorraine - xo
1st February 2014

Hello from Toronto
Marlene and Ian Good to hear from you. Sheryl here from Toronto ( met at Loggerhead Stuart). I guess change is good. Good to hear you were able to sell your boat. It sounds like you will be doing more travelling to many places. It will be great to keep in touch. You never know where or when our paths may cross. I wish you all the best. Talk soon. Sheryl 416-988-1525
1st February 2014

What's next?
Dear Marlene and Ian, it really is the end of a marvelous sailing adventure over so many years and I appreciate so much being invited to sail on Gust 'O Wind, a real treat. Best wishes for the next chapter. I think the world of you both. xo's Anne
1st February 2014

Best of luck to you both in your next adventures! We certainly have lots of good memories from knowing you guys in Florida and loved your stories and blog. We are planning to put our Fl boat up for sale this winter. We're thinking we can still visit friends who regularly go to Fl in the winter while we have a rental on land. We'll go down in March, probably, to get things ready for a broker. But, we loved the boating experience and think it's like no other. (And, we still have a boat up north!) Sincerely, Donna and George
1st February 2014

Fond Farewell
I add my fare thee well to Gust O'Wind. I loved that boat because she made you both sooo happy!! Please keep me on your blog list as I love travelling vicariously through you!! Hugs!!! Bethie xo
1st February 2014

Yes, what great memories you have of your time on GO'W ... but, as you said, a wise time to move on.
2nd February 2014

Future Travelblogs.
Please keep me on your list of recipients.
2nd February 2014

Farewell Gust O'Wind
Wow, this blog was a surprise, then again I guess it really shouldn't have been. In life, we always seem to reach those moments when its time to change course. Too often we're too late the recognize the moment. Congrats on not being one of those! Best of luck on your continued adventures!
2nd February 2014

It is a sad day when you have to part with your boat. It becomes part of the family. We are in the process of selling ours also and I know it will be tough to part with it. Look forward to hearing of your future adventures. Lou
2nd February 2014

Enjoy the next adventures,
Looking forward to hearing about what comes next. We have decided to move Gorma to Stuart for the summer. We headed back to GCS this weekend and have moved our belongings. Give us a call as we are going to hang around Stuart for awhile. You know those upkeep chores. C & G
2nd February 2014

Starting the next stage of your life will be exciting I'm sure. Look forward to travel tales of the future. Bruce and Cecily
2nd February 2014

It's been great!
It's nice to know your boat has a fine new owner. Please stay in touch!
3rd February 2014

The 2 happiest days
The day you buy and the day you sell your ship. Congratulations! I was reminded last night of one of our experiences on Jolo II in the BVI's. There was this huge (ugly) boat just off the Baths. It carried a 50ft sailboat on one side and a 50ft Sunseeker on the other side with a chopper in between. The owner was Abromovich, the Governor of Siberia and owner of Chelsea FC in London. But the boat was origionally built for Paul Allen, the owner of the Seattle Seahawks!!!!!!!!!!!!
4th February 2014

That was a well written piece folks!The nostalgia weaved its way throughout your words...Farewell to a dear friend.We also fondly remember that you shared her with us while you were in Dunedin.Enjoy your boat sitting...that is a great way to end the saga.Add us to your next blog entries!Marg and Ted
5th February 2014

Glad to hear all went as planned and that you will now have a new lifestyle to enjoy! Enjoy your stay in Florida
5th February 2014

Can't believe that it has been 5 years. Have enjoyed every entry you have sent. Continue to do so. You two are an inspiration for retirement. Love to see where you go next. Good Luck and happy trails to you both. Margot
12th February 2014

Glad to see pictures of your enjoyment. Safe travels ahead.
17th February 2014

New Adventures
Hi Ian and Marlene - Nice to read that you are still travelling, even if a new lifestyle is around the corner! Hope you have happy healthy days ahead and enjoy every moment. Safe journey to you both - I would love to hear about your new adventures. Nancy Gansser

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