Winter Getaway

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January 13th 2019
Published: January 13th 2019
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My version of January thaw.

Greatish start to my winter getaway. Despite high winds our flight was smooth and we landed 1/2 hr early. That put me in my hotel about the time I was scheduled to land. On the way there was the most incredible sunset I have ever seen bar none. The sky was striped scarlet, and bronze and burgundy and gold. Truly awe inspiring.

That’s the great part. The ish part was lying awake till almost 4 am. Have no idea what that was about. No coffee or soda fix. Does Sushi keep you awake?

Day one. The day dawned to a severe clear blue sky. After a tasty breakfast I asked for directions to a drug store and bank. Off I went and close to 3 miles later I finally found Walgreens. Took the bus back. The woman at the desk thought I had a car. Still it was good exercise and a good start to the trip.

Day two. Now for something completely different. Shopping! I took the bus to the Mall. Love riding local busses. This route took me by the beautiful beach where ships were idling offshore. I noticed that most of the men could use some time at the gym. There was even one youngish one who looked buffed and tan except for the love handles. Still.....

The reason for this outing was I needed a beach coverup. First stop Dillards. It was morning on a Friday so maybe it’s always quiet at that time but I only saw a few shoppers besides myself. I helped myself to some garments, went into the deserted fitting room and decided. Then I had to search out a salesclerk to ring me up. Quite a lonely place. The hall were not much better. Very empty. However, I search out my favorite store, Chico’s, that had a few shoppers. I asked about capris and was told their shipments were two weeks late due to “issues” at the port. Shutdown, I asked. Bloody stupid she said.

Stopped for a salad, took the bus back to the hotel, read by the pool for a while until nap time. Up for Happy Hour, grabbed a bit to munch and went up to read and got a nights sleep.

Day three. Up, breakfast , walk by the beach, headed to the pool for a bit of reading, lunch, nap, happy hour, leftover salad, a bit of TV and a read then nightly-night. Tomorrow “Welcome Aboard”.


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