First Entry

Published: May 6th 2012
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This is my first entry on my international field assignment to DUBAI! I figure I can get the quirks out before I leave. I honestly cannot believe this is actually happening. I've been told since February that I would be going somewhere - first it was Calgary, then Panama (which I was devastated didn't work out) and finally Dubai, for two years.

First, let me say that I feel a little guilty at how neglectful I've been - I've been so focused and consumed with even just the idea of leaving that I have had little time for much else. I haven't called my family as much as I would like, but we did see a lot of each other this past year, and I know they understand. I will definitely miss my family - it's hard enough crossing the country to see my parents, sisters and little nephews - I have a new niece that I got to hold for a few hours when she was 3 weeks old, but have spent no other time with her. Now, I have to cross new continents and oceans!

I am looking forward to the cultural differences that I will be presented. It will be strange, I'm sure, but how do you ever really learn or appreciate something until you get that experience? I am most concerned about my job - it sounds like it will be very hard. Mostly, I am nervous because it will require me to be aggressive, and I am not an aggressive person; however, this will really help me in my career and in life, so while nervous, I am strangely looking forward to the experience.

I guess all that I will figure out soon enough. For now, I've got my hands full just planning to leave! I have to finish my projects at work, train people to take over, figure out my new tax situation, pack my stuff, sell my stuff, make sure I spend time with my friends before leaving, do all the things I know I'll miss, and spend the last few precious days with my family. I will have to make a list or two to get things in order! Today, I am doing some of the little things to prepare: picking and packing my movies (I know I will need them to keep me company when I don't know anyone!), throwing away things that I don't need even now, and ordering things online that will help me (flash drives, cd-cases, clothes). And starting this blog!


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