Here we go again.....on the way to South Africa!

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February 28th 2015
Published: March 1st 2015
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Hey everyone, I'm on the road again -

This time, with and heading to South Africa.

Many of you signed up when I was travelling on the World Tour with Travel Guild - this is a totally different trip. I am heading to Zambia, Zimbabwe and Johannesburg for an exciting and life-changing adventure. If you want to continue to get my daily updates, then just keep happily reading. If you want to bail, then just unsubscribe and you won't hear from me again (and that will make me sad 😞 .....)

I am currently sitting at Pearson International Airport in Toronto, having just arrived from my home in London, Ontario, Canada. My flight to Heathrow leaves in a few hours I have a chance to connect with you and bring you along on the journey. I anticipate updating the blog each day - this time, with videos, pictures and stories. Technology has changed quite a bit since my last trip around the world so this will be awesome.

Anyway, I'm off to Starbucks down the hall here - must get my travel latte and some chocolate and I'm all set.

So, sit back - buckle up and enjoy the ride. I look forward to your comments and questions.

Much love,

Happy Pat


1st March 2015

From Edmonton
Hey....enjoy every moment!
1st March 2015

Great to hear from you!
Hi Pat, I'm so pleased to hear from you again and you're on you way back to Africa. I must admit I'm a bit envious. I love Africa and have never been to Zimbabwe or Zambia. I returned in December from Rwanda and Uganda. I was on a Goriila and Chimp Trek and I must admit amazed myself. At 73 I was certainly one of the oldest in my group. It was also life altering for me. These two countries wee certainly much less developed than the other two countries in Africa I had visited and the children were fascinated with this "white" lady travelling through their villages. While there I was able to visit one of their schools and an amazing hospital to which the locals travelled at times 50 plus Kms for care but they were doing wonderful things for women and trying to offer support and education to women and families re personal and family care. How proud you must be of all of your accomplishments. I love seeing your picture with your vibrant red blazer. I remember how pleased you were when you had it made in Hong Kong and how it seemed to me a talsman for the direction you were taking with your new start in life. Looking forward to following your trip. All the best. Carroll
1st March 2015

Your Blog!
Can hardly wait to travel along with you, even though we will be confined to our arm chairs - you have a great time!
1st March 2015

Hellllooooo Africa!
Hi Pat, I was wondering how you chose Hills of Africa. There seem to be so many tour operators, and I would love to hear what you were looking for in a company. :)
1st March 2015

Hills of Africa travel
Susan, the CEO/owner, Sandy Salle, has been a friend and colleague for 4 years. She is from Zimbabwe, currently living in Charlotte. Check out her site. First class all the way..... So glad you are following! Pat
1st March 2015

From Leduc ( little L.A.)
Hope you enjoy this trip as much as ours. I know I will enjoy going along with you.
1st March 2015

Happy Trails To You
Safe trip Pat. I look forward to taking it with you :) xoxo Staci
1st March 2015

Bon Voyage
One can never have too much chocolate, it's true. You, Starbucks and lattes ... such good memories. Here you are, off to make even more. Have a fantastic trip Pat. I feel so blessed to count you as a friend.
1st March 2015

Safe Travels!!!
Thanks so much for including me. I look forward to every day. Be Safe. Love from Louann.
1st March 2015

Glad you're here with me!
Thanks for your note, Louann.......just at the boarding gate for Johannesburg - one more overnight flight and then I will have arrived. Good thing I'm in good shape for this trip, LOL.
1st March 2015

Following Happy Pat
We are looking forward to following your adventures. Travel safe. ?
2nd March 2015

Dawn and John!
Yay, more World Tour buddies! Welcome - I am so happy you will be following this adventure. It will be life-changing, challenging and emotional for me and I'm delighted to share it.
1st March 2015

Old friend
Wish I was going with you. Looking forward to your blog. Enjoy!!!
2nd March 2015

Lorraine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello......
So nice to get your note! Just arrived in J'burg and will be updating the travel blog as soon as I finish lunch. I'm glad you're following along......
1st March 2015

From Lloydminster
Great to hear your news. Will want to hear everything, but especially about Women's Day. My first time to attend was during Civil War in Nicaragua, and those women! Their hopes and dreams.... Enjoy Africa and the whole trip. Leona
2nd March 2015

Leona! SO great to hear from you.......
It is so heart-warming to see so many people from the original World Tours following along here - but especially you! Thank you for your kind note - and yes, I will be posting quite a bit about International Women's Day and my experiences here. Sit back, relax and enjoy! I just arrived in J'burg this morning - after 2 long days of travel - am having some lunch and will update the travel blog shortly. Happy Pat
2nd March 2015

I'm so excited about your trip and anxious to see your blog. Me-I'm a snowbird to Fl and today it was 85F (to me that was hot) I try to swim each morning at 0715 and then into the hot tub @ 104F. I too went to Zambia SW Africa and was amazed at the beautiful desert and ocean.Waiting to hear from you again. Enjoy your trip and be safe. Rember SKI - spending my kids inheritance. ha ah
2nd March 2015

Wishing you a beautiful adventure
Hi Pat, I quite envious of you right now. My trip to Kenya in 1991 has yet to be surpassed--Africa is truly intoxicating. I'm there in spirit with you this time and I truly want to return to some part of Africa at some point. Enjoy!

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