So Much to Tell

Published: August 11th 2009
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Harry and TyHarry and TyHarry and Ty

Festivities at my Bro's place included swimming, BBQing, and painting my spoke fluorescent orange.
This post has photos, but unfortunately they dont bring you up to date. So much bizzle has happened, with no posts.. so, it would take a wee while to write it all down.

I made it to Victoria. Last day was 130+ kms from Hope through Langley to Tawassen. I received my first official puncture in 7000 km on this particular kind of tire, Schwalbe Marathon Plus's, right smack in the middle of Langley, during the hottest part of the day. It was tough.

Since arriving to the open arms of my mom and eating her copious amounts of baked goods, I spent time with my brother Harrison, my Dad, my youngest brothers Steward, Andy, and Darien, my step-Mom Sue, my sisters Natalie and Angelena.

After 3 sweet weeks on the coast, I've finally left, likely for over a year. Im currently in Ottawa, hanging out with friends new and old. This sunday, I fly to Halifax, to start my training for my ten months of living in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador. One more week of freedom.

With love and jetlag,

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


Natalie and the PigsNatalie and the Pigs
Natalie and the Pigs

No pigs were harmed in the picture-taking of these pigs.
Tyler and the PigsTyler and the Pigs
Tyler and the Pigs

No pigs were molested in the picture-taking of these pigs.
Natalie and TylerNatalie and Tyler
Natalie and Tyler

Cruising down Lockside Trail near Victoria

Towing my mountain bike to a bike shop, to fix it up, motha hucka!

This is my Pa's sailboat, on which I travelled for numerous days.

Abandoned, but not for too long. I'm a nice brother, after all.

Darien and Andy testing their dingy-rigging skills.

From the foreground, my dads arm, Andy, Darien, and Stewart. They were pretending to stand upright in my Pa's listing sailboat.

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