Around the World in 365 Days! The Preamble.

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June 8th 2013
Published: June 8th 2013
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It’s official! In a few short weeks I will be setting forth on a 13-month journey around the world. Although I would like to consider myself to be fairly well travelled, this adventure will surely push me out of my comfort zone and offers up a unique experience from past trips. I will be travelling alone without a set itinerary or even a Lonely Planet to keep me on pace. I am excited to see where I wind up and what the next year holds in store for me. It has been a long time since I’ve written one of these but with this journey at hand it is a way for me to stay connected to my home, my friends and in all seriousness; my own experiences.

A lot of people ask me if I’m scared to travel alone but after years of solo summer trips I am much more acclimated to the idea of relying on my own wits, intuition and desires than having to navigate my travel path with others. That said, to claim that I am traveling on my own is a bit of a misnomer. In fact, I rarely am ever alone. I am always surrounded by interesting, quirky and impassioned travellers from all corners of the globe, eager to share stories, advice or most commonly a drink over sunset. The camaraderie between travellers is something that I love most about traveling and has certainly been the most telling in the evolution of my travel patterns.

Not long ago, my greatest travel hope was to be lost amongst the world and have no one to follow with only footsteps behind me. I looked for solitude and discovery; a trip that was mine and mine alone. I went to obscure places and drooled at the idea of masochistically enduring ridiculously long days of travel to get places that I know I would find no one except for quizzical locals wondering why I would ever come there. Although I still relish these moments and seek them out, what I have come to learn is that my experiences are largely enhanced my shared experience with others. Even though I may never learn their names or speak to them again, I have their faces imprinted in my mind as they stood beside me and witnessed moments that are unforgettable. Indeed, I have made many friends along the way and am now just as excited about whom I will meet as I am about what I will see.

I suppose I should also explain what might seem like an irrational and irresponsible decision to leave a job I have worked hard for and love (not to mention my savings that I’ve been carefully protecting). I realize that there are many who think this idea is crazy but after deep consideration and sober reflection I have concluded that it would be crazy for me not to go. Yes, it is a big risk. I’m leaving an amazing career after the best year of my professional life. I absolutely and unequivocally love my job. I’ll be leaving quirky teenagers, fantastic colleagues and great friends that leave me in stitches from laughing. As an added bonus, I’d like to think that my job is also purposeful and yes, important.

However, what I’ve learned through life is that it is also incredibly unstable, and ever changing. Watching my parents struggle through illness and hardships has instilled in me the need to take advantage of opportunities as they emerge. Moments are precious and time doesn’t stop for convenience. I promised myself long ago that I would not be defined by bank accounts or that house I live in would not define me but by the quality of the people I love and the experiences collect. I thrive on challenges and I feel that I always come home from trips abroad a wiser and better person. My excitement is tempered by trepidation but even if I wimp out after a few months, I can always feel proud that at least I tried.

Wow. I really meant for this to be a short pre-trip preamble but then again, brevity has never been my forte. Apologies.

***A note to my english teacher friends and others who enjoy proper use of grammar/spelling etc... in the spirit of the serendipitous nature of this trip I generally will not be editing, planning, censoring anything written here so, sorry. Also, almost as a rule, there probably will be a bevvie accompanying me which may both help and hurt the writing process. Enjoy!


8th July 2013

Love it, Ryan! Looking forward to reading more!
8th July 2013

It’s a rare kind of courage to do what others only dream. The ones staying in the safety of their jobs and homes while adventure beckons are the ones who risk, not you. Wishing you a blessed trip, may this journey make you even better and wiser than you are now.
24th July 2013

Thanks Angela! Really, I thought this was the easy way out!
24th July 2013

Thanks Angela! Really, I thought this was the easy way out!

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