My Father - A tribute

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March 21st 2020
Published: March 21st 2020
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We are passing through a terrible time in human history. I was not born during the second world war or during the pandemic of influenza. But I never saw in my life that a virus could bring our entire humanity to our knees. Like many others in many many countries, we are self quarantined in Canada, we are learning how to avoid human contacts and increase the social distance. Sometimes I wonder sitting alone in a lonely night, are we walking backwards in human history! Instead of loving and embracing each other, the one and only one human race that we know of, the virus is slowly pushing us towards isolation! When I see the people storming the empty grocery stores, I think in frustration, why cannot we share! It pains me so much! Hope I don't have to see that day when we don't even know our neighbours!

I try to push away the morbid thoughts. I try to look positive. That's why I am writing this blog to tell you this; despite all the panics in the world, I try to find my solace in my own writing. Yes, this is my latest book published in January. ‘Baba Amar’ or ‘My Father’ is a tribute to my father who taught me to look always at the half filled glass and not the half empty one. I inherited his gene to roam around off-the-beaten paths and wilderness! Although I wrote this book in my native Bengali language, I didn’t want to deprive my other friends. Once I wrote a story in Times of India with the same spirit and the published the same as a blog Phuldungri – A tribute to my father ( right here. Many of you have read it before, but wouldn't harm to read it again. It's a passionate story of human bond that never fades away. I learned how to move forward in life, I learned to love others, I learned to put myself into the shoe of others who do not have much to look forward.

I wake up in the morning at 4:00 am and go to my work when it is still dark in downtown Calgary. Often I buy breakfast and hot coffee for the homeless sleeping on the sidewalk. I wake them up and hand over the breakfast and the coffee. I think about my father who inspired my always to do something for others and taught me one great lesson in life - Don't do anything for people thinking of return. Do it selflessly. I try it, father!

The book ‘Baba Amar’ is available in ( , Flipkart ( and from the publisher Notion Press ( . It is also available overseas in, and I know you wouldn't be able to read it. But read the blog above. And check my website where I emptied my life like an open book. That will feel my voids in mind and give me some peace in this troubled world. Thank you my friends...I love you all!

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22nd March 2020

Very Inspiring
This blog is very inspiring -- a good son writing a tribute to his Father whom he loved! I think having good parents is a true blessing, especially those parents who pass on an appreciation of the natural world and caring for others.
22nd March 2020

Very Inspiring
Thank you for your appreciation! This came from my inside and I felt writing this as I will not be able to pay my debt to him in my life time, I can mere acknowledge it. This is my acknowledgement. I am sorry, by mistake I deleted the blog earlier today and re-posted it. There were other comments earlier . Thanks for your comments.
23rd March 2020

Thank you for posting this tribute to your dad...
Mine passed away in my arms in 1988 at the age of 66. He was the person who inspired my travel. When I'm ready, I would like to do the same. I posted a blog about my Mom who died at age 94...a full life...easier to write about.
23rd March 2020

Thank you for posting this tribute to your dad...
Hi Bob, Thank you for your comment. Yes, likewise, I inherited his travel quest. He was a positive person and never focused on negativity in life which I try to practice. If you do write, I will be eager to read it. If the link or the blog number of your mom is handy, please pass it on to me. I would love to read it. As a son, this is the least we could do - reflect their life, isn't it? That's why I find solace in my blog world. Thanks again...
23rd March 2020

Remembrance to my mother...
[blog=919730]. If this blog number doesn't link, all my blogs are in chronological order from most recent to oldest. I posted the blog on 21 Feb 2016.
23rd March 2020

Remembrance to my mother...
Thanks Bob...I will track it down.

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