Dubai - Settling In

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August 11th 2018
Published: August 11th 2018
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View from my balconyView from my balconyView from my balcony

Can see part of the nightly fountain show
Wow, has it really been almost a month since I wrote? Time has flown by.

I've been back almost six weeks now and in some ways it's like I never left! I really missed this rush I get at work, the pace, the stress, the interesting projects. I'm definitely where I'm supposed to be. It has taken a little time to get back into the swing of some things though (project coordination when most of the people are out on site) or even just remembering some technical details that used to be at the forefront of my mind. Seriously, three years ago in Qatar, there were techniques we used constantly and someone the other day asked me about what the process was and I was caught off guard - it had literally just gone from my mind! It's only been three years... I quickly googled it and after the first sentence or two it all came rushing back, but it was a very weird feeling.

In the meantime, I have also been swamped with trying to get my living situation in order. I was working with a realtor guy and he was good at finding apartments within my specifications, and I was all set to sign on for a high rise apartment downtown. It was nice, but I was disappointed that the Old Town area didn't have any available (in my range or taste). So just as I was about to tell him to go ahead, I asked if there were any in Old Town. Turns out there were two that just came up! One was nice and nearer to the area I liked, but it looked right out onto an ongoing construction site that would probably be working for at least a year.

But the one I chose was almost perfect! It was just under what I had planned to spend in the area (though more than I was hoping for) and a great layout. It is one bedroom, an ensuite bath, a half bath, large kitchen, main room, huge wardrobe, and a balcony, which has a direct view of the Burj Khalifa! There are multiple pools in the neighborhood, which consists of shorter buildings (generally 3-6 stories) of old Arabian architecture (the buildings themselves are not actually old). I asked if there was a reason why it was underpriced, and he said the guy just wanted to be competitive. Well, after moving in, there are a few minor issues (broken screen door, broken fridge knob, broken towel hook, etc.). I'll just get it fixed myself and send a bill. 😉

After moving in August 1st, I started shopping. I got a nice mattress - not too expensive, but good quality. I got my corner sofa bed, dining set, and bamboo bed frame from IKEA. And I've been shopping off and on since to get the little things, like kitchen supplies, sheets, towels, pillows, etc. I still need a tv and tv stand, as well as end tables and/or a coffee table. But I'm very very happy.

My favorite part of this area is the neighborhood. You can walk about 100 feet and be out on the boulevard where there are lots of nice restaurants and shops. Yesterday morning I walked around the Fountain at the Burj Plaza before it got too hot, went shopping in the Dubai Mall for groceries, and walked back to my place. Hoping to do this a few times a week. It is just a little too hot right now to do much more. The neighborhood itself is resort-like, with winding pathways and trees and shade. It is very quiet and peaceful even though you are right in the middle of town.

The only issue I have at the moment is getting my parking space sorted. They told me to go to one building to see security, but every time I've gone, he's been out. Also, I'm supposed to have some kind of residence permit - I applied online, they wrote back and asked me to resubmit something, which I did and I haven't heard anything since. I guess I'll need to get on top of that tomorrow. There are a lot more hoops to jump through now than I remember, but so far it's been worth it.

So, work, shopping, and cleaning. Not overly excited at the moment. I have only gone out once to an end-of-month work function with a lot of coworkers and clients. It was fun, but I've had nothing to drink since. It was at a place called The 44, which is a British pub on the 44th floor of the Westin hotel. It was super awesome. I'm supposed to organize brunch for the end of the month when an old friend of mine is in town for work. One of my besties from here just went home to the UK with her new baby for the rest of the summer. So, my social life has been slow, but should pick up once summer is over.

I plan to go to Singapore for the Eid al Adha holiday. Eid is one of the biggest Islamic holidays and celebrates the Feast of the Sacrifice. Depending on when the moon is sighted, we'll get a four or five day weekend. I'm just planning on four days. So, I'll leave on a Wednesday early am and come back late Saturday night. I wished that I had visited Singapore when I was here before, but never really got a chance. I was looking at Europe (Greece, Malta, etc), but it's so crowded in summer. I wanted something peaceful. This seemed to be the best option, even though it will probably be super hot.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll be writing from my mini-vacation, so until then, enjoy my pics!

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


My bedroomMy bedroom
My bedroom

I hate the light thing
Morning neighborhood walkMorning neighborhood walk
Morning neighborhood walk

The tall building in the middle is my new favorite.

12th August 2018

Return to the ME
Seems like you are settling in super fast this time - Dubai definitely has it highlights and such a great place to see such a different slice of the world. Enjoy your return to the mega iconic city. x
16th August 2018

Dubai revisited
We have not been there since 2008. I will be interested to hear how it has changed since your last time there.
19th September 2018

Rent Issues
Hi. Nice crib. How much would that cost? Need to check if the salary offered to me will work considering rent, etc. Thanks in advance :)

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