Tel Aviv, Israel

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June 28th 2022
Published: August 5th 2022
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This summer my dad, stepmom, sister and I went to Israel and Jordan. We were supposed to take this trip in the summer of 2020, but something else got in the way...

We started in Tel Aviv, where upon arrival we settled into the hotel before my dad, sister and I walked to the Carmel Market. Along the way sat a beautiful beach where the sea breeze made the hot sun a little bit more tolerable. At the market we journeyed through spice, fruit, and sweets stalls, the latter of which got my business for my love of anything rugelach and baklava; the man at the stand we went to even gave us two free baklavas. We walked back to the hotel where I then spoke on the phone to my significant other that I would miss dearly throughout the trip. We took a taxi to dinner in a cool place that started off like some alley way but then became a vibrant, youthful little area with bars and restaurants. After, we returned to the hotel, and I finished my sweets. The next day we woke up late- around noon. We went to another outdoor market that was known more for antique goods. There was jewelry, clothing, art, furniture- everything, really. After a while of walking around the bustling market where sellers spoke to you the second you laid eyes on one of their goods, we walked to a restaurant named “The Old Man and the Sea” for a late lunch. There, we enjoyed falafel, hummus, and a bunch of little side salads; my favorite was this spicy tomato thing. We returned to the market, and my dad and Ania had drinks before we went back to the hotel to prepare for the early morning that we would have the next day.

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Great food

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