Old monuments, fresh kebab.

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Middle East » Iran
September 11th 2009
Published: September 11th 2009
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Real Shashlik, false beerReal Shashlik, false beerReal Shashlik, false beer

6 ea 1" thick lamb chops - for lunch
I arrived at the shiny new Imam Khomeini airport at the uncivilized hour of 2 am, and zipped through immigration and customs in a few minutes. The drive to Tehran was just as fast - a good highway and empty streets - I wished it was like that during the day.

We went on a side trip to Mashhad (literally the place of martyrdom) and visited the shrine of Imam Reza. But no pictures - attendants with dusters will not let them into the mosque. The wiki says that the rich go to Mecca but the poor journey to Mashhad: I guess I will never go to Mecca! The shrine has a museum with old tomb housings and doors. Inside the shrine itself you can see the new tomb housing under the golden dome. The chandlers and walls sparkle, the green marble floors are covered with prayer rugs. Mashhad has another feature - the hotel with the worst coffee.

In Kermanshah we visited the Taq Bostan and Bisotoun UNESCO site after the heat of the day. It is cool to reflect on all of the people, from Darius the Great to me, who have visited the site.

Road near QuchanRoad near QuchanRoad near Quchan

Our driver was telling us how he hit and killed 23 sheep on this road. He had to pay the Shepard US$1500.00
did not stay long enough in any of these places - especially Shiraz, where we only had time for a Faludeh (ice cream?) and a walk down the mile long Vackil Bazzar. So, I have a problem - I need to figure out a way to come back!

One thing that always confused me was the significance of the colour of a mullah's or ayatollah's head dress. The locals explained that black is worn by both and signifies they have a family relationship to the Prophet.

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Mashhad - TrafficMashhad - Traffic
Mashhad - Traffic

the shrine of Imam Reza in the background

4th June 2010

I thought I had to update myself on your blogs, but you've only written about your trip with mom ( looked like a good trip). Where are all the other ones? The people are waiting to read! Or at least me : )

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