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August 19th 2022
Published: December 2nd 2022
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On August 19 we drove southeast to visit Abbotsford and Melrose Abbey. Abbotsford, the home of Sir Walter Scott, is a stone baronial mansion with landscaped gardens built in the 1800s . The interior is filled with hundreds of the artifacts that he collected (weapons, taxidermy animal heads, suits of armor, a large library, paintings.)

Not far away is Melrose Abbey, a partly ruined monastery that was founded in 1136 by Cistercian monks at the request of King David I of Scotland and was the chief house of that order in the country until the Reformation.

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Abbotsford, Scotland Abbotsford, Scotland
Abbotsford, Scotland

statue of loyal manager

2nd December 2022
Melrose Abbey, Scotland

Orange lilies
These are beautiful flowers. They look a lot like the native flower in the foothills that looks very similar, the Humboldt Lily

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