The Isle of Mull: a Taste of Tobermory

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July 16th 2010
Published: July 16th 2010
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A role in Balamory, a BBC children’s programme about a small Scottish community, has seen Tobermory become a popular choice for visitors to Scotland. The real Tobermory, on the north-east tip of Mull, is a lovely place to spend a day or two; it is a small town of friendly people, brightly-coloured craft shops, and cafes that whip locally-caught seafood into delicious meals.

It has been my favourite Scottish town since I was a child. While my family stocked up on food in the Co-op supermarket I used to meander from shop to shop, where the gifts were as unmistakeably Scottish as the sea spray blowing across the street outside. This year I took a walk along Main Street with my camera, and tried to capture the harbour’s colour and charm. Tobermory is as unique and welcoming as it looks on television, but the real fun is found behind the scenes.

- Visit my blog 'MY EUROPE' to see more of my photographs from Scotland: of Glasgow, of the Isle of Mull's landscapes and lochs, of puffins, and more photos from Tobermory.


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16th July 2010

Amazing place! I have a Scottish mate I used to live with in Spb...we were over in the UK at the same time and drove up to Mull from Sheffield...his parents still live on Mull and have a farm there. I remember feeling like the odd-one-out English guy surround by muttering Scots...bit of the old braveheart spirit up there and no british bulldogs or protraits of the queen in sight! ;) You properly back in the UK now then mate? - no more USSR? ;)
16th July 2010

I like it
Yes, yes, yes. I like it so much. I have been to Scotland but only the Lake District, Edinburgh and Glasgow and it was in 1996. It´s soooooooooo expensive for us in Argentina that it will have to wait. Love from Argentina, GRaciela.
16th July 2010

So pretty! Might have to try and get there at some stage
23rd December 2010

Miss your blogs!
Hi Jon Sure miss your blogs. I read that you were not in Ukraine anymore. I hope you start writing on TB again (and posting pics too) Good luck in whatever you are doing now, but don't stop blogging!

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