Ledbury 1

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April 21st 2011
Published: April 21st 2011
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Hi everyone

We are now in Wellington Heath, Herefordshire with our dear friends Helen and Gavin. You know how it's very British to talk about the weather well I must tell you what's going on. It’s incredibly sunny and warm. Yes, I did say we are in England!! Yesterday it was 26 degrees....imagine that! It was warmer than Brisbane which was 22 degrees.

The consequence of this is that there are a lot of very pale people (myself excepted) getting a few rays. Much to Peter's chagrin, I raided a few of the Ledbury op shops to buy some semi-summerish clothes. Peter restrained himself from saying you don't need those and how will we fit them into the suitcase. I think he's finally given up!

This morning we did our pilgrimage to the butchers shop in Ledbury. It’s always a treat to go there. It’s a tiny little shop which I think could fit four or five people at a time so you have to queue up for ages to get in. The butchers are jovial and entertaining. They also had pork pie to try and it was wonderful.

We're having a bit of trouble with money i.e. Irish and Scottish pounds aren't accepted by shop keepers. They think they are fakes. Seems like devolution may have gone a bit too far!

We had a very smooth journey through Heathrow (amazingly) and picked up our car without the dramas we had last time where we had no booking etc, etc and then we set off to visit Floss, Chris and Bess. Take my word for it, Bess is the most beautiful little baby girl. She has lots of hair and that lovely baby smell. We had a few gifts for her from ourselves and Kimberley so our suitcase is remarkably empty which is good so I can fill it up again. Floss is recovering from her ordeal and has really taken to motherhood as has Chris to fatherhood. We spent a lovely hour or so with them and are going back on Saturday.

We borrowed their Tomtom, but Peter must have made a mistake, as an hour’s journey took 2 hours and at one stage the signs said Cirencester, which is where we had come from!! Still it was a nice journey.

Well things are warming up for the Royal Wedding. Those of you who hate the concept can stop reading now. They are expecting 600,000 people to be lining the route and there is going to be the highest possible security: sniffer dogs, pat downs, stop and search etc. Any desire I had to go to London has disappeared. Still I’m going to have a good time!

The bunting is up in London but it hasn’t quite made it to this part of England yet. However there are lots of lovely bits and pieces to make the 29th a wonderful celebration. All sorts of wedding china of course, but also royal wedding paper plates, cups, serviettes, cake stands etc. I’ve bought a book which is called “Knit the Royal Wedding”. It’s so cute. Pity I can’t knit but it’s lovely as a picture book.

pj and Sandy


21st April 2011

Weather !
So , the balmy weather has arrived ! You'll be pleased to know it's not rained here for days !! Have a safe and Happy Easter, Love & Kisses B2 & Jo

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