Birthdays and friends

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May 31st 2023
Published: May 31st 2023
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1953 was such an auspicious year. Yes, I know the queen was crowned but two very special people were born. That's us! Graeme is the oldest by a long chalk, well at least 18 days older and as such should know better...He does, he knows most things!

He celebrated with a birthday cake at Beppino's Gelateria and a lunch at Soulshine, both delicious and elected to play eighteen holes of golf whilst I got to sit at home and crochet. Absolute bliss; I even managed a few old episodes of Doctor Who!

The next day was also a golf day for Graeme, making up for lost time, so I got to travel to Exeter by myself on the bus and the train. The weather was again spectacular and I met up with an old neighbour from Jamaica who I also happened to teach for a short while and whose family and mine have stayed close throughout the years. I even remembered we went to her wedding in Dallas, so many years ago, but that notwithstanding we hadn't met up for twenty years so it was quite a special event. She still lives in Dallas and was visiting an old school friend in Cornwall so we took the opportunity to meet up, have lunch and wander around Exeter and its stunning cathedral together.

We exchanged stories of old neighbours, friends and family and I will be forever grateful to her mother who my girls and I named 'fairy godmother' as she kindly sent clothes for the girls when I returned to the UK in rather straitened circumstances, again, many years ago. Jamaica will forever, be very special to me and holds so many dear memories and a nostalgia for my growing up years in such a special party/reggae/dance era.

I also had the opportunity to catch up with two other very dear friends who were a great support to me when on my own bringing up those troublesome girls!! Only kidding, girls. It is, actually, quite a pressure to make sure you see all those friends from your past lives, to reassure them that they are all important and you will, hopefully get around to seeing as many as you can on this your time in the UK this year.

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31st May 2023

Always a good read
I am so glad your stay in England is going so well. Birthday extravaganza are a pleasure to read as well as all the lovely photos It makes me feel like I am with you on the journey, on buses trains and even sitting on the back seat of Gino. Glad you had a special birthday Graeme. x x
8th June 2023

thank you
Glad you're enjoying it! I'll write some more soon...xx

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