Day 2 Wheels down in Switzerland

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September 7th 2015
Published: September 7th 2015
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Day 2

Wheels down in Switzerland

Huh whoa, what, someone just grabbed my ass.

I roll over its Kirsten, she’s pointing toward the breakfast card. I’m still getting the fog out of my eyes while I’m looking for my ears (Hearing Aids).

Gut Morgan Herr Vogan, good morning, vould uses like some Koffee. Ya Ya Ya.

The breakfast was hot and delicious; within an hour the flight attendant was prying my coffee cup from my hand. Vee have to land de Plane Herr Vogan. Nein, Nein, I want my coffee.

Well the plane lands and as I’m getting off Helga is watching my every move. Gut day Herr Vogan. I smile with a Danka CHUSE, that’s thank you and good-bye in Germany. Helga looks over her glasses and leans toward the pilot. Dat’s the de one. The pilot frowns. Me I just smile and head up the ramp.

Kirsten leads the way into immigration and says let me do the talking this time. What! I’m always nice, they will remember me from when I was here 2-3 years ago. In your dreams Kirsten says.

Kirsten goes first, of course she is smiling and the guy behind the glass is eating out of her hand. They are conversing like they ‘re high school friends. As she goes through I’m motioned to the window, he doesn’t even ask me one question, just stamps my passport and waves the next person to the window. No wonder they have an immigration issue in Europe.

We pick up the car it’s a VW Polo. Stick shift of course.

Kirsten jumps into the driver’s seat I get into my navigator seat, pull out my maps.

Were heading out of the airport Kirsten is heading northeast out of Zurich. As navigator I point out were heading in the wrong direction. She overrides me and says no this is the way I want to go. An hour down the road were sitting in McDonalds parking lot the map spread out on the hood of the car and Kirsten says Hmmm, I guess you were right.

Well the navigator (that’s me) finds this great route the High Alpine route through Switzerland to Austria. Of course Kirsten says I told you this is the way I wanted to go.

Were staying in this cute Zimmer in Galtur. It’s around 40 degrees and Kirsten is under her down comforter all snuggled in and warm after having a GREAT meal at the local restaurant it was packed.

Ok, it’s getting dark here I’m tired and tomorrow will be here soon.



9th September 2015

I want me some of the weather!!!!
Please send some of the cool weather to Florida. It all sounds good so far, enjoy your adventure.
9th September 2015

I want me some of the weather!!!!
Please send some of the cool weather to Florida. It all sounds good so far, enjoy your adventure.

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