Lego vs IKEA.

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Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Simrishamn
August 19th 2023
Published: August 19th 2023
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Another hotel down, bags packed and out onto the streets again. Well maybe. Drive up the car park ramp - doors didn’t open. Hmm. Out of the car and got Chris to hold the person door open while I hit the intercom from outside to get the garage door opened. Voice says what is the problem. I answer can’t get out. Nothing happens. I get back in the car and back down the ramp looking for maybe another exit. Nope. Back to the original ramp. That is when I notice the button to open the door. D’oh. Anyways. Out on the streets now. Me looking really stupid but on our way.

Heading to the IKEA museum today. When in Sweden what else is there than a dose of IKEA and Lego.

Some interesting scenery along the way and finally at our destination. Everything in this town, (Ahlmult) is IKEA.

As we turn the roundabout on our right is the IKEA distribution Centre. On our left is the IKEA hotel. Get the point.

In we go. Exhibitions on 2 of the 4 floors - and no, we didn’t have to do laps before we made it to the end. The other floors had toilets and the obligatory shop.

Some fascinating information about how the founder’s brain worked to build the empire that is now famous, or infamous. His philosophy was to set a low price and work backwards from that to build the product. Seems to have worked methinks.

We spent over 2 or 3 hours wandering around before we decided we had to move on. But not before the famous meatball dish for a snack. And bonus, with peas. You bloody beauty.

Our overnight stay is another Christer recommendation - Simrishamn. On the coast and close to our next stop.

Drive through some very interesting forest areas and lots of tiny villages. Problem here is each village has a 40kmh or 30kmh speed limit. Not too bad. Get to see the pretty houses and stunning hotels.

Made our overnight stop (again booked with Qantas FF points - winner). We are right on the sea shore with a marina in front of the hotel. Our room has a sea view so all in all, another great call from Christer and a lucky break getting to use FF points to stay.

Tea in the restaurant tonight. Not too shabby and a waiter who was happy to have a chat. Good day and topped off with a good dinner and a nice Cote de Rhône with tea. Life is tough sometimes.


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