Started Working Shift Work

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November 28th 2012
Published: November 28th 2012
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Läkerol Arena

Brynas Hockey Team


Brynas playing at home. We were working so we went and watched the game.... good perk of the job
This week i started working shifts. Was good to get off day work, i have been working at Gävle stn for a week than last week i worked in Sanviken, where it is a little quieter than Gävle. But both stns are bit quieter than Sydney..... So i've got a couple days off before im back to work on weekend.

It should be interesting this week with winter hitting Gävle. Its been around 0-6 deg for last month, but this week the temps are gonna drop tp between -5 to -8, with wind chill hitting -17 deg...... Im hoping the thermals are gonna work for me.

I jave done a bit more training with different bits of kit at work...... played with cobra the other day.

I have got to watch a couple games of hockey watching the local Team Brynäs IF, at Läkerol Arena. We were working night shift last night so the guys went down to the game to watch them play, and win.... Good perk of the job getting to wahch hockey games......

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