Blogs from Svalbard, Europe - page 3


Europe » Svalbard » Spitsbergen June 27th 2007

27th June Wednesday Valvaagen - Tromsoe 10:00 am Not much for Gerd and Jonas to do but gather their belongings and start packing. Tomorrow will be their last hours with us. 8:00 am is their departure time. Everyone was quite relaxed thoughout the journey to Tromsoe. Lunch was fish cakes, all the leftovers from the last couple of days. Tonight everyone wants a bloody steak. It’s been cloudy all day and it’s starting to rain hard just outside of Tromsoe. 17:45 pm On our arrival we see that “Joyant” (Tom and Dorothy) are already here. They arrived around mid-day. First we moored on “Lupus” a large pilot boat. Just as we finished the Harbour Master arrived and said the “Lupus” was on call all today/night, so it was not wise to stay. We moved over ... read more

Europe » Svalbard » Spitsbergen March 21st 2007

This trip was solo for Mark, well with a friend Martin. I had entered into Fjällrävens Polar husky competion 2 years earlier and got to the last 80 out of several thousand. Unfortanately I did not make it to the final 5, despite doing the unthinkable for a skiny little guy like me who feels the cold: yes swimming in a hole in the ice during the 1 day selections. So having failed to make it on a free trip to Northern Sweden, I had to find something better, Svalbard and an arctic experience. Here are the photos from one of the most exhilerating places on earth. The weather varied from 20 m/s storm and temperatures just below freezing in a snowstorm, to minus 20 and 40m/s gusts in clear blue sky. Thank God for the ... read more
no guns in the bank

Europe » Svalbard » Spitsbergen June 16th 2005

Its midnight, and after flying in from the arctic, we are now sitting on Cord and Leonie’s front door step waiting for Cord to return from work to let us in. A good time to do some writing. What is really amazing, is that this is the first time we have been under a night sky in 2 weeks. On arrival at Longyearbyen airport we were met by a stuffed polar bear and a very fuzzy haired Dutchman, called Jan, holding a Noorderlicht lifebelt. We then packed onto a bus to the harbour and as we rounded the corner we got our first view of the Noorderlicht (our transport and home for the next two weeks), she is the most beautiful sailing ship in the Artic. The Noorderlicht is a hundred year old Dutch schooner that ... read more
Longyearbyen Museum
Stuck in the pack ice
Polar Bear

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