Blogs from Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain, Europe - page 2


Europe » Spain » Valencian Community » Valencia June 11th 2022

TOUR 2 – Great Iberian Tour – SAT, 11 JUN 2022 – Day 12: Visit Peniscola, a beautiful walled town and its castle by the sea. Sightseeing in Valencia. Evening transfer. We will journey south along the Mediterranean, making a special stop in PENISCOLA, a small walled town on the shores of the sea. After a short introduction by our guide, you can make your own way through town, discovering its fishing port, the castle and beach at your own leisure. We will then travel to VALENCIA, where we will have time to have lunch. A local guide will take you on a tour of the city in the afternoon. Valencia is the third largest city in Spain where the modern blends with the historical. In the tour we will learn about its historic city centre, ... read more
On the Way to Valencia, Spain
Random Photos of Valencia, Spain
Random Photos of Valencia, Spain

Europe » Spain » Valencian Community » Valencia March 8th 2022

Had to take the hire car back today so decided to drive into the city, hand it in and then do some more city sightseeing before taking the bus back to the campsite. Satnav took us straight to the car hire place. So glad Bob thought to bring the spare Satnav with us. Our old one which we use in the car, as we have a 'big vehicle' version for use in the motorhome to hopefully avoid being taken down an inaccessible rat run. Handed the car keys in and grabbed a taxi from just outside to take us to the Central market. First stop the old Silk market (La Lonja de la Seda) as advised by cousin Gillian to be a place not to be missed. Indeed it was not. Wonderful building and fair oozing ... read more
220308 Valencia (62)
220308 Valencia (59)
220308 Valencia (39)

Europe » Spain » Valencian Community » Valencia March 6th 2022

We had been warned. We had seen it on the weather forecast. Well several actually as, as you do, we checked others having found we didn't like the first one. No use. They were all of one mind, it was going to rain for 48 hours and rain it did. I know there are lots of Spanish people who are saying....oh good, we need rain to fill the reservoirs but I do wish they could have waited until we had enjoyed just a little bit more dry and sunny weather. If I had wanted to see so much rain I could have stayed at home but this trip was for a bit of winter sun. I must not complain. We have had wonderful weather up to now and the fact that the temperature is now down ... read more
220306 Valencia (47)
220306 Valencia (18)
220306 Valencia (63)

Europe » Spain » Valencian Community » Valencia March 4th 2022

Absolutely perhissed it down all night.. We were prepared though and had tucked the outside table and chairs away as the bad weather had been forecast. In fact it forecast much worse than we had. We caught the bus into Valencia again to pick up the hired car we had ordered. Went slightly later than planned as needed the rain to stop first, didn't want to stand waiting for the bus in the pouring rain. In Valencia we then grabbed a taxi as the car pickup was over 2km away from the bus stop and our feet were still complaining after yesterday. Car Hire at GoldCar Rent which we had found via was fine and very reasonably priced. Handed over our reservation, used card to secure insurance deposit and we drove out in a sweet ... read more
220304 Valencia (97)
220304 Valencia (256)
220304 Valencia (322)

Europe » Spain » Valencian Community » Valencia March 3rd 2022

The weather had forecast it was going to be cold today and quite possibly wet. Wrong on both counts. I wore a short sleeved t-shirt all day and the temperature (20 degrees) was perfect for a city visit. Delighted first of all to find I could buy a fresh, warm baguette at the campsite shop so we ate breakfast in the sun under a glorious blue sky. Then headed off to the bus stop just across the road and caught the bus into the city. €1.50 each and pretty good for a 45 minute trip. We took careful note of the location of the bus-stop so we could find it on the way back and set off to find the Central Market. A must visit. Took a route by way of the wonderful station next to ... read more
220303 Valencia (260)
220303 Valencia (57)
220303 Valencia (242)

Europe » Spain » Valencian Community » Valencia March 2nd 2022

Moving on day and this time as far south as we are going this trip, to Valencia. Filled up with fuel as we left Blanes at a fully automated garage. Goodness knows what you do if it eats your card. Motorway all the way and we have been down some of these same stretches of busy motorway before when we've visited Barcelona and Tarragona. At least 10 years ago though but probably busier now than before. Lots of trucks sharing the road and sometimes our lane. Delighted to find all the toll stations are out of action which made the drive cheaper than it might have been. As usual the views were on Bob's side so the camera missed most of them. The scenery is varied with mountainous backdrops in places, lots and lots of fruit ... read more
220302 Valencia (32)
220302 Valencia (48)
220302 Valencia (59)

Europe » Spain » Valencian Community » Valencia September 27th 2021

When we got off the train in Valencia, Spain we received a very warm and familiar hug from the humidity. It felt great as one of our days in Segovia was a bit cool. Even though we know fall is knocking on the door we are not ready for these temps just yet. Our first train ride in Spain went off without a hitch, due to the fact that we've learned over the years to arrive early to avoid any missteps. We don't have well developed public transportation in the U.S. so when many of us escape to travel we are excited to learn trains, subways, buses or how to drive on the other side of the road. Since we lived in Washington D.C. for a while and have visited NYC we have some past experience ... read more
The City of Arts and Sciences
Cathedral de Valencia
Nothing better than fresh veggies

Europe » Spain » Valencian Community » Valencia November 1st 2020

VALENCIA Oct 26, 2019 By 8am we had boarded the bus and were off to Valencia traveling North East on the Autovia A-92N. Vera announced that there would be two stops on this long journey from Granada through the region of Murcia to Alicante and finally Valencia. Adding beauty and interest to our drive, we passed through the spectacular mountainous region of Granada province with their famous cave houses (you can stay in a cave hotel or eat in a cave restaurant) and Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada. The cave dwellings were quite close to the highway so I was able to get a closer view of awnings, windows and clothes drying on lines, giving life to the unique homes here. It was fall and the poplar trees' yellow autumn leaves against the brilliant blue sky ... read more
Hot air balloons float by as I grabbed this photo from the bus
Lorca, Spain, province of Murcia, taken from the bus
Lorca Castle, Lorca, Spain, province of Murcia, taken from the bus

Europe » Spain » Valencian Community » Valencia March 14th 2020

Tag 5 – Sa, 14.3. Blocked Da es am letzten Abend sehr spät mit der Planung geworden war, kamen wir erst um zwölf los. Ich telefonierte mit Zuhause und Namid nahm mich an die Hand und führte mich den Weg zum Bus. Wir kauften zwischendurch noch ein und kauften uns auch noch Gebäck in einer Bäckerei. Schließlich erreichten wir den Kreisel, wo der Bus fahren sollte. Aber von dort gingen so viele Straßen ab, dass wir erst einmal die mit der richtigen Bushaltestelle finden mussten. Nachdem wir bei fast allen auf die Schilder geschaut hatten, schauten wir auf FGM. Schließlich fanden wir die Haltestelle, der nächste Bus fuhr in 20 min, solange aßen wir das Gebäck. Als wir in den Bus steigen wollten, sagten uns die Leute, wir müssten in der Mitte einsteigen und nicht beim ... read more
2 - Kopie
20200314_144952 - Kopie
20200314_144955d - Kopie

Europe » Spain » Valencian Community » Valencia March 13th 2020

Tag 4 – Freitag, 13.3. València Wir schliefen aus und wurden von lautem Tumult geweckt. Eine Horde Kinder tobte vorbei und irgendwer schlug mit einem Hammer das Haus kaputt. Nein, Quatsch, aber so hörte es sich zumindest an. In der Küche suchten wir nach Frühstück. Da es weder Wasserkocher noch abgewaschene Töpfe gab, wagten wir uns an die Nespresso-Maschine und brauten einen Kaffee, allerdings mit viermal soviel Wasser als gedacht. Dann stippten wir Digestive-Kekse und Löffelbiscuits in den Kaffee, und ich trank auch mutig den Rest aus. Gegen halb elf machten wir uns auf den Weg. Eine Straße weiter kamen wir an einem tollen Obst&Gemüse-Händler vorbei. Namid fasste prüfend eine Mango an, und ich wollte ein Foto machen. Da kam der Verkäufer und wir dachten, er wollte uns anmeckern. Aber stattdessen stellte er sich grinsend fürs ... read more

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