Park Güell

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May 14th 2024
Published: May 14th 2024
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I love Park Güell so much and I wish it had been a nicer weather day. Soaked might be an understatement. We truly enjoyed the park, but it isn’t so fun to hang out in as long when you’re soaked. It was not quite 70 today so it was a little chilly. I took many photos of all but one of my favorite things. You can’t work your way backwards after a certain point so I missed my opportunity to recapture an image. Of course it’s also a bit different in a downpour anyway. I still love it there, but I love it most when dry and sunny, when the greatest light effects can be had on the mosaic tiles. Gaudí had a brilliant artistic mind. I can’t explain. It has to be seen. Photos don’t do it justice. I’ve been adding to Flickr and they’re slowly becoming available to see.

May have bought a pair of lounge pants and socks after that adventure. :D A+ decision. I like me some Pull & Bear. It was much nicer to enjoy a walk down Las Ramblas and a detour down a couple side streets, the Mercado de Boquería & Plaça Reial. We walked from the end to Barceloneta and along the water back to our hostel. It’s a bit more built up with outdoor restaurants along the way and quite a bit more appears to have been added to one of the piers and the port area. It was enjoyable to see again and I appreciate even more what I saw the first time I came.

We have tried all the Papas Bravas, Tinto de Veranos, and a slew of other tapas in the past couple of days. I love eating my way around. We’ve decided the best potatoes were in Greece, but we’ve had some good Bravas here.

Tomorrow I return to Sevilla for the first time in a decade. I’m looking forward to meeting with my host family and seeing my favorite sights and hopefully enjoying some quality weather outside!! for more

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