The Journey begins........ Segovia

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September 24th 2021
Published: September 24th 2021
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Segovia CountrysideSegovia CountrysideSegovia Countryside

The view from the Alcazar Castle.

Not all those who wander are lost” ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

It was simply bugging the hell out of us....we would talk about it, imagine it, even attempt to make plans in the hopes that we could travel....somewhere. We've somewhat mollified this urge by taking a few trips within the U.S., but we all know that the great thrill is to leave your own country and go visit one you've never seen before. That's the thing, right?

We’ve spent each day for months longing for travel. Attempting to decide if it was safe, if it was the socially responsible thing to do.. …We’ve studied vaccination rates and we’ve studied the U.S. State department website until we exhausted all the information. In the end we selected a country where many residents have been vaccinated -- since we have been vaccinated and since we trust science... here we go....after all, it had been 560 days since we arrived back home after arguably one of our best voyages to Antarctica.

In the end, the decision was made. We'd been conversing with our good friend, Brendan bvchef and he liked the idea of joining us in the middle of our excursion to explore Portugal and take a river cruise. More on that later as we planned to leave over two weeks before the cruise. After busily assembling plans on (what is for us) a last minute basis, off we Spain.

Whether you are a sophisticated foodie or prefer street food you will find comfort in Spain. With little time to prepare for this trip we watched three or four episodes of Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations to prepare us for the foods we should order while on this trip. His programs have always fascinated us and really put us in a good mood for the planning process. Of course the Iberian Peninsula nations of Spain and Portugal also have a high degree of interesting history. A perfect match. We had planned on visiting Spain some years later, but the pickings of safe countries to visit (and the ones who would accept Americans) were on the slim side.

We landed in Madrid early in the morning and headed straight for Segovia. We wanted to begin our adventure in a smaller town rather than a large city. In 1985, Unesco deemed this town center a world heritage site so that was good
Cathedral of SegoviaCathedral of SegoviaCathedral of Segovia

Stunning beauty.
enough for us. Segovia has been a perfect town to explore while we battle with some jetlag and allow our bodies to adjust. Our hotel is in the town square and you can walk to everything. The brick-laden streets made us so glad to be back on the road again.

From our hearts we can say it feels glorious to wander again. As world travelers, we knew we missed travel, but until you are back on the road again you won't really understand the depth of what has been missing from your life. This is something you just can't measure, but it is large. We are beginning to feel whole again. The narrow streets wind through this quaint town full of amazing architecture. Each street beckons us to take a look around. To poke our heads in shops, cafes, churches and museums. The window boxes are full of color and yet we know fall is on the way and soon the pops of color will fade until next year.

As you drive into town one of the first things you see is the Roman aqueduct. This landmark of Segovia was built in the first century A.D. and is
Views from the aqueductViews from the aqueductViews from the aqueduct

Roman aqueduct Segovia, Spain
amazingly well-preserved. It also tells us that this part of Spain is definitely not in an earthquake zone. The pictures can best explain this as it's condition is excellent.

Our hotel is just a stone's throw from the impressive Segovia Cathedral. An imposing structure which took 238 years to build and was one of the last Gothic style churches built in Europe. The construction and opulence of the cathedral demonstrate the power and the deep pockets of the Catholic Church in this area back in the 1600s. It was however, a pleasure to stroll inside the cathedral and take in all the grandeur.

At the end of one of these brick streets you'll find what every European city longs for ..... a storied Castle. The Alcazar's presence allows Its charm to permeate the surrounding city. From the top of the tower we could see hills and mountains near and far. We will continue our research to figure out the names of these ranges.... as we said, we threw this trip together rather quickly. The geography lesson will have to wait. As we wandered the castle we took in the history and were impressed with the room of kings--
The AlcazarThe AlcazarThe Alcazar

Segovia, Spain
each king between 1300 and 1600 are honored in gold on the walls. These riches were gathered during their tenure so they would ensure a resting place on these walls.

One morning as we left our hotel we found a street market had popped up filling the town square with a dozen vendors. In the afternoon, when we returned from our exploring we watched the vendors break down and the garbage men and street cleaners swooped in the make everything beautiful again. We were mesmerized by the street cleaning machine that vacuums up trash and then spray washes the streets. We need to get a few more of these in the U.S.

In the evenings, while we sipped adult beverages, we enjoyed watching locals going about their day. We had a great location where the buses would come up one street and making a 140 degree turn onto the next street. We would hold our breath as we watched. It is amazing that one bus after another could accomplish this without incident. The walls of the buildings were very close to the outside of the bus. It was a sight to see!

If the rest of Spain ends up being like Segovia we will continue to feel very comfortable. Everyone is wearing masks indoors and outside. The town is not overrun with visitors so everyone is able to keep a distance.

Upon entering Spain we needed to show our COVID vaccination cards and the QR code which we received from filling out the online form. The process was quick and easy. The staff at the Madrid airport moved swiftly and we were through customs and had our luggage about 35 minutes after landing.

We've begun to sample tapas and so far our favorite has been the red pepper stuffed with crab and smothered in a sinful sauce.

Time to press on to our next destination......Valencia!

Where we stayed: Hotel Infanta Isabel

Additional photos below
Photos: 53, Displayed: 26


Taming the Tower at the CastleTaming the Tower at the Castle
Taming the Tower at the Castle

150 steps up a winding staircase
Stunning TurretsStunning Turrets
Stunning Turrets

Great Architecture
Lots of stairsLots of stairs
Lots of stairs

Everything is up steps
Historic aqueduct still standHistoric aqueduct still stand
Historic aqueduct still stand

It is in great shape after all these years.

24th September 2021

You two have a great time!!!
24th September 2021

Having a great time
It is going very well so far. Please do a work out or two for me! We are getting in a lot of walking so hopefully that will help.
24th September 2021

Love Spain!
Not been to Segovia yet, or Valencia. I can recommend the jamon iberico, unless you're vegetarian. Enjoy your travels.
24th September 2021

Love Spain
We are having a grand time so far. We will give the jamon Iberia a try soon.
24th September 2021

Meanwhile back in Red Wing
Sorry we missed a call. I had a few bad days with some meds. That Cathedral is beautiful. Glad you are safely getting your wanderlust satisfied. The tapas looked really good. Loved the blog, look forward to more. Meanwhile, we are sitting on the boat enjoying some really beautiful fall weather. Have a cabin lined up for last week of October. One last hurrah before winter hits. Love you guys, D & D.
24th September 2021

Back in Red Wing
It sounds like you are having a great time just like we are. Enjoy the cabin. Let’s talk soon.
24th September 2021

Beautiful Segovia
I love it! There are few places in Spain that can rival Segovia for charm. I’m glad to see you enjoying it so much, and I think it’s the perfect place to break back into traveling, because it’s small and chill but also has a lot to offer. I see you’ve been enjoying tortilla española—one of my favorites!! I never would’ve thought a potato omelette would be so appealing, but the Spanish really know how to do it. I wish I liked the jamón but I think it’s gross. I remember my Spanish family bringing home a whole haunch just like the ones you photographed; it just sat on the kitchen counter for weeks and they carved out slices whenever they wanted it. It was not pretty but they were excited about it. Also, is that blood sausage I see on the pork fried rice?? Now that, I actually liked a lot. Be sure to get some paella in Valencia! I wish I could recommend some wines, but I was not a wine drinker when I was there in my early 20’s (hard to imagine, I know). What an opportunity lost. But Spain has wonderful sangria and I do recommend sitting down with a pitcher and some tapas some evening; it’s rare to find sangria that good in the US (it’s not sickeningly sweet there, like it usually is here, unless you are unlucky and hit up the wrong place, haha. That only happened to me once). Ask the locals where to go. “Dónde puedo encontrarme con la mejor sangria?”
24th September 2021

Beautiful Segovia
We really enjoyed our time there. It was the perfect town for travel re-entry. You can’t like everything and the jamon is not your thing. We will enjoy lots of specialty foods in Valencia. Thank you for following along.
24th September 2021

Color me envious....
It used to be if I planned to go somewhere with good weather, a reasonably stable political situation, and decent accommodations, I was good to go. Now add in which countries will let me in - even though I am fully vaccinated - and planning got a whole lot more complicated. Question: Did you have to show a hard copy of your vaccination card or was a photo on your phone sufficient? Could you get by with just a QR code? I have the card plus a photo on my phone plus a QR code, plus a link to the State of California digital vaccine data base. I'd prefer not to carry the hard copy of the card in case it gets misplaced.
24th September 2021

Color me envious…
The QR code was easy to get. They want to see your vaccination card. I agree I’d prefer not to travel with it. I guard it with my life. Spain was a breeze to enter.
24th September 2021

Of Course You're Back!
D & beautiful MJ. Hearing/seeing that you are traveling again makes me so happy... and feels like a green light to start an new adventure. I have missed your blogs. Best regards, Stephanie
24th September 2021

Of course we’re back
Great hearing from you! Let’s talk on the phone soon… write an email and get caught. We are so happy to be exploring once again. It has been far too long. Do you have any travel plans?
24th September 2021

We are all feeling desperate to hit the road...
Sadly, our trips are put off until next year. I will be following in your footsteps!
25th September 2021

Desperate to hit the road
You’ll be exploring soon enough and you will be filled with happiness. Thank you for commenting.
25th September 2021

On the Road Again
Great to see that you guys are on the road again. Half your luck - we're still imprisoned in our homes. We loved Segovia, and sounds like you did too - we though the Cathedral was spectacular, as were the Castle and the Aqueduct. Don't suppose you were able to get to La Granja - about twenty minutes away by car - spectacular gardens around a palace, right up there with the best we've ever seen. Safe travels!
25th September 2021

On the road again
We will hit La Granga next time. This being our first trip to Spain is a overview. I’m sure we will leave with many ideas for our next time here. We did enjoy Segovia and all it had to offer. Thank you for commenting.
25th September 2021

Wonderful to See
Great that you have the opportunity to travel again. For us Spain is a while ago. It did take us a couple of days at least to understand that the middle of the day is not a busy time and that, if you are sleeping before midnight you may be missing something good. A great place to visit. Have fun. We were all set for a trip to Iran, Jordan and Oman when everything went bad. They probably won't be our first trip out of the country but, hopefully, we will be able to move soon. With our vaccinations firmly in our arms we are ready to roll.
25th September 2021

Wonderful to see
You are so right that things happen late here! We adjusted our sleeping habits. At home we are rarely up this late. We hope to get to Iran and Oman soon. Great hearing from you and appreciate the comment. Keep in touch.
25th September 2021

The plane is a magical portal
How nice it is to read the travelers inside of you are once again on the road. The airplane is a wonderful device to transport one from daily life to traveling, eating, drinking and living ones true self. I love how you notice the smallest details such as buses making turns and street sweeping. Enjoy, and know I will be with you soon.
25th September 2021

A magic portal!
Indeed flight is a wonderful idea. Each day we are soaking in every morsel of Spain that we can handle. Segovia was enchanting.
25th September 2021
Segovia Countryside

K D Master
Hey, Nice Info! I really enjoy reading your posts where I can get such useful information. Thanks for all your advice. It’s invaluable. Link :
25th September 2021
Segovia Countryside

Thank you for reading
We appreciate your comments.
25th September 2021

Enjoyed traveling along with you! Interesting trip. The COVID restrictions here in Seattle have really hampered travel for me so it is good to share your explorations. Enjoy. Be safe. MM
26th September 2021

So glad you are following along. We are sad you are locked down in Seattle but we will provide you with adventures to read. Miss you my friend. Keep in touch.
26th September 2021

Riding with the King
Been racking my brain for the music to travel along with Dangerous Dave's & Beautiful MJ's latest adventure...a track that captures the thrill and nuance of your escape from Covid captivity to castles and vineyards. I reckon I've got it...the album cover pic you know...the tune screams with message...the beat will sustain. BB King & Eric Clapton..."Riding with the King". I'll put it on for you now! Ride on!
27th September 2021

Ridin' with the King
Great tune Dancing One....will have it in my head today as we drive from Valencia to Granada. Have a great birthday! - Dangerous Dave
27th September 2021

On the road again!
Glad to see you are travelling again. Wish we could but still in lockdown, probably till the middle of October. All overseas tourist travel is still out of the question. We would be happy just to travel around Australia but we can't even do that yet. I don't know your travel plans but can highly recommend Valencia and Barcelona. Don't eat the dried cod (bacalao). It is revolting. Like tripe but without the flavour!
27th September 2021

On the road again
We are enjoying Valencia right now and will do Barcelona later in our trip. Hopefully, you will be set free soon and I’d travel quickly in case they change their minds. We will so fortunate to be traveling right now.
28th September 2021
Stunning Turrets

Spanish Turrets...Stunning Castles
I've posted some of your stunning pics in TB's "Palaces & Castles" thread in the Photography Forum. Check 'em out.
28th September 2021
Stunning Turrets

Spanish Turrets... Stunning Castles
Thank you Dancing One! We will check them out.
28th September 2021

Looks wonderful!
Your trip looks wonderful so far, and how fantastic to be travelling again! I look forward to following you on your trip. Segovia looks like a beautiful place, with lots of good food and drinks :)
29th September 2021

Looks wonderful
Thanks for following along and we appreciate the comments. We worry that this winter things will shut down again so we're taking advantage of being able to travel right now. Segovia is a quaint little town worth exploring.
5th October 2021

Hola, Amigo y Amiga!
I'm so green with envy. I remember bringing friends there countless times and each time, Segovia fascinates. That antique aqueduct floors anyone. Throw in that cathedral, castle and por superstore, the food scene and you're more than good. Enjoy my friends!
5th October 2021

Hola Liliram
We wish you were eating your way through Spain with us. You have so much knowledge of the area. A real food scene. Segovia is charming.
7th October 2021

Trusting Science
I’m glad you’re back at it, and that you’re trusting science. I’m loving all the food pics!
8th October 2021

Trusting Science
Thank you for reading and commenting. We've had some wonderful food and so much to explore.
8th October 2021

It's amazing to see you both on your travels again. Segovia looks beautiful
9th October 2021

We are enjoying our exploring of Spain. We feel fortunate to travel right now. Thanks for commenting.
17th October 2021

How wonderful to see you both travelling again Merry Jo and Dave! I'm so happy to see your initial plans to visit Spain have come into fruition, and what a great choice of a country! I remember visiting Segovia in my pre-TB days, and loved the city. I love your comments on not knowing what is missing in your life until travelling again. I'm so glad to read you are experiencing this now, and you enjoy each and every moment ? The tapas look amazing ?
17th October 2021

Travel is fills the soul and we are glad to be exploring again. We've seen lovely churches, palaces and architecture. The people and food are amazing. Segovia was the right place for us to re-enter travel. Thank you for reading and commenting. We look forward to your comments.
4th November 2021
So many angles

The aqueduct is awesome
We visited Segovia a long time ago and we were also impressed by the Roman aqueduct. It really is a wonderful piece of architecture. /Ake
4th November 2021
So many angles

Awesome aqueduct
Segovia was a pleasant little surprise. We thought we would like it but it really did have a lot to offer. Yes indeed... the aqueduct was an impressive structure. Thanks for commenting.
9th November 2021
Views from the aqueduct

Segovia... so gorgeous
I've been hanging out to start reading your blogs! Your travels are a beacon you those of us unable to travel yet, and I'm so happy you had a great time on your first stop. Looking forward to reading about Valencia next :)
9th November 2021
Views from the aqueduct

Segovia.... so gorgeous
Thanks for reading and commenting. It was amazing traveling again especially because we did not think we would have a 2021 trip. We threw it together at the last moment. Segovia is lovely. Valencia turned out to be one of our favorites.
25th November 2021

Oh, how exciting!
Traveling again! I shall read with vicarious pleasure, Gill
25th November 2021

Oh, how exciting!
It is fantastic to travel again. Thanks for reading and commenting.

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