Day 15 Wednesday WOOF possibilities

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Europe » Spain » Canary Islands » Gran Canaria
February 3rd 2010
Published: February 11th 2010
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Due to the lack of employment prospects on Gran Canaria we have been looking at options for what to do next. One of these is going back to the whole idea of WOOFing (working on organic farms). There is a website called HelpX amongst others which puts you in contact with various hosts around the world and in exchange for room and board you work for them. Whilst the majority of work is on farms there are some other hosts such as small hotels, campsites, hostels etc. We’ve applied to quite a few in Mallorca and today we got some replies. One in particular looks quite idyllic in its location. Dee is not entirely convinced due to our less than happy introduction to WOOFing in the Sierra Nevada but I think it may be worth giving it another go if only to extend our time in the sun. On the downside of course, Mallorca is not particularly warm at this time of year (approx 11-16 degrees) and it would mean we would be working at least 5 days a week for no pay leaving us little time to find paying jobs, but we may build some useful contacts and even if its not the 26 degrees we have grown used to in the Canaries at least its not sub zero like the UK.

After downloading the HelpX applications I finished my application for a Thompson Holiday Rep job and put in a covering letter stating we were in the Canary Islands already and would like to be considered for a position here. It may lead nowhere but its worth a try.

Emails and applications out of the way, I gave our bungalow a little spring clean, swept and mopped the floor and then it was time for dinner.

After dinner Dee taught me how to play rummy and we had a few games of cards.

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