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Europe » Slovenia » Preddvor
September 8th 2013
Published: September 8th 2013
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Day 2

What a disaster, arrived safely yesterday and on time in Ljubljana only to be told that our bikes had not arrived with us due to insufficient room in the hold. We were told that there were three planes coming tomorrow and that they would try and squeeze them in a few at a time. However, following our free day in Ljubljana we found that nothing had happened. We are now marooned but luckily the Hotel Zaplata at Preddvor is a really nice place with good food and a view to die for. The group are a good bunch and are taking the problem well. The five with bikes are setting off as planned and the remaining eleven are awaiting the bikes, which are promised by lunch time, but seeing is believing, despite the good intentions of the Slovenes. We plan top sett off in the afternoon and either go the whole 45 miles before darkness at 7.15pm, or go part way to be collected on the way, if darkness overtakes us. C'est la vie.

Today we visited Ljubljana, which is a very pretty town of baroque architecture, and buildings going back to the 17th century. We had a guided tour ending in a boat trip and visited a market of Slovene bric-a-brac etc, which we enjoyed, especially with the street musicians playing country and western and traditional music. I have been busy making phone calls to check on options and have just received news that seven bikes have arrived and will be with us by midnight - great news. I can now go to bed and hope that those still to come are mine and some faster riders who can make the shortened day okay. Sleep should come easily after being kept awake until the early hours last night by a wedding party who were much too loud. Roll on tomorrow.


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