Bled Castle and Kardinia Park.

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Europe » Slovenia » Inner Carniola
August 5th 2023
Published: August 5th 2023
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Those concerned with my dietary habits can rest assured as we have accommodation with an excellent breakfast again. Even the fruit juice is pretty good and they have pure fruit smoothies that even Owen would think are really good. They are also have excellent local yoghurts, jams and honey as well as good muesli and cereals and breads so the mornings commence well here.
Then it’s up and up and along and up to the castle. Again we were not alone but it’s easy to see a bus load of tourists descend on some point of interest and we managed to work around them by walking around them and timing our viewings. The castle is quite fascinating and it concentrates on presenting historical depictions from an extended period rather than its 800 years of history. There was an extensive museum in the castle and consequently it does not have a lived in feel. The views however are extensive and expansive. As Julie and I share photos there are quite a few so I’ll download a few.
There’s an allegorical religious painting I’ve included but I’ve taken it rather literally so I may commence a collection in order to buy myself a place in heaven. I’ve always relied on the ‘angels taking me minutes before the devil comes to collect me’ but the payment system may be more bankable. Anyway belt and braces can’t hurt.

Like the bottles? Would have been a great time.

Then it’s home for lunch and to listen to the footy from Kardinia Park. After the footy the plan is to walk around the lake.

See you soon.

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