I love to ride my bike

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August 5th 2010
Published: August 5th 2010
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

from Oz to Eden

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 Video Playlist:

1: Jeff Going Extreme 28 secs
Rain Rain Rain

torental rain for hours. amazing ..
I love to ride my bike! Thats all I can say. We left our little abode, turned right and started riding.
Fields of corn, sunflowers, creeks and lots or rain clouds.

I was just so happy riding on the winding road but i know that Jeff was kvelling to do some heavy off road biking.

After about two hours there was a very small sign that I happened to miss (what a suprize) that read: Stanjel 2 km. I looked at Jeff, I looked at the MOUNTAIN. What could I do?- 25 years of marriage I guess it's time to give in so I told Jeff: "only if I get some coffee up at the castle"

As a good friend of mine once said. "If you want coffee go to Italy!"

Made it up the hill but no coffee to be found. I'm still looking..

I have not succeeded in learning any slovenian language as my dear friend Tali pointed out. Most of the people here speak English and the rest talk so quickly that it takes me five minutes to realize someone was talking to me!

So as I pray that one of these

We see alot of sunflowers in batches of three. I think it's a christian custom of blessing the fields. Jeff thinks they just are.
rain clouds makes to our area ... shabbat shalom to everyone.

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


The KIller CowThe KIller Cow
The KIller Cow

This cow was ready to attack! beware
Corn fieldsCorn fields
Corn fields

I loved to grow corn in Denver.
Laughing on the heyLaughing on the hey
Laughing on the hey

or is that hay?
How they role the HayHow they role the Hay
How they role the Hay

for some reason in slovenia and in Italy they role the hay in a round formation and not in a rectangle
I took the chalangeI took the chalange
I took the chalange

We rode from the valley to Sanjel. The top of a mountain... ahhh
WE did it! WE did it!
WE did it!

with our alyn shirts!
The Castle The Castle
The Castle

But no coffee anywhere
A beautiful horseA beautiful horse
A beautiful horse

They have been breading them for the past 430 years from 16 fathers.. yichus

6th August 2010

Summary and Pictures
Looks like you are having a great trip. Thanks for including me. Enjoy!

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