I got my mind set on you!

Europe » Serbia » North » Novi Sad
May 24th 2011
Published: May 24th 2011
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Well now we're back at home base here in Novi Sad. The ride back here however was quite a journey. We had to take some random ass "taxi" ride from a fella in Stara Moravica who drives people around for a second job. This guys car is looks like it's been dead and resuscitated 4 times. It's like a cat and has 9 lives! Anyways we all pile in this car to fill it to the brim, and we start of on our way to Topolo. Topolo is a city in between Srara Moravica and Novi Sad, it's where we're going to catch a bus to finish off the rest of the trip. Crazy taxi man manages to get us to Topolo in about 8.5 minutes when it should be about a 15 min drive. I guess it helps if you go 110 in a 50 zone :P

The bus ride from Topolo was about as boring as they come. The scenery on the drive would be similar to that of the prairies. If you mix that with a very slow bus, and a sleeping Dusan makes a very boring bus ride back!

Once back to lovely Novi Sad we got to see all the work that was done to the apartment while we were gone. The place has changed for the better! So now we are back to walking around and having ice cream. Basically the same as Moravica but in a bigger city with better sites! We've also managed to make some new friends with people that speak English! My first actual direct contact with people. We all ended up going out for a great night of drinking, dancing, and for them smoking! My mom would love it over here. They can smoke wherever the hell they want! We also have another Canucks game tonight. Game 5! With a win the Canucks make it to the finals. I totally rep'd my Canucks shirt yesterday to celebrate the win the other night. Kesler is definitely in beast mode!

Go Canucks Go!



27th May 2011

where's the videos? i thought you punks had a flipcam
27th May 2011

We do, and trust me we have some videos. But they take about a hour to upload. The internet over here is super slow. I'll see if I can get some later into the trip.

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