Blogs from Romania, Europe - page 4


Europe » Romania August 29th 2021

Schwarze Wolken, tropischer Regenguss bis 10.00. Dann fuhr ich los. Chisinau hat so viele Kreisverkehre, dass das Wort Rundfahrt gleich eine ganz andere Bedeutung annimmt. Dann auf der Haupt Nord Süd Straße Richtung schwarzes Meer. Der Plan war eigentlich, dass ich bald abbiegen und auf kleinen Landstrassen die Grenze entlang rumschleiche. Aber als ich sah, wie schlecht die Hauptstraße war hatte ich plötzlich kein Bedürfnis mehr, rauszufinden, wie schlecht die Nebenstraßen sind. Ich bräuchte acht Stunden für knapp 250 km, teilweise nur geschlichen. Dafür war die Grenze erfreulich. Jeder wußte, wie herum man den Pass halten muss, Deutschland war auch bekannt und keiner hat mich meinen kleinen Seesack aufmachen lassen um sicher zu gehen, dass ich keinen Menschhandel betreibe. Moldau war nicht besonders reizvoll, da wo ich war jedenfalls. Nur die Walnuss Bäume entlang der Straße ... read more

Europe » Romania » Crisana » Arad » ARAD July 17th 2021

Arad orasul de pe langa granita. Centru arhitectural prin ale sale cladiri -Universitatea, Primaria. O minizona de cafenele. Am gasit cazare la pensiunea Onalisa aproape de intrarea si de iesirea din tara. Avantajul ei consta in posibilitatea sosirii la orice ora. Dezavantajul ar fi locatia la o mare distanta de centru si astfel esti nevoit sa iei un taxi. As mai mentiona si zgomotul stradal nocturn. Are multa verdeata, flori si nu puteau lipsi pisicile adormite dimineata. Camera era micuta, calduroasa, cu un minibar, smart TV, AC, mobila clasica si toate cele necesare. Pensiunea are 8 camere. Pret 150 ron sau 70 euro aka 'I like cash, no card'. Fara mic dejun. Gazda a fost primitoare la orice ora. Are si cateva locuri de parcare.... read more
spre camera
interiorul camerei

Europe » Romania » Transilvania » Sibiu April 27th 2021 Sibiu was initially a Daco-Roman city called Cedonia. Its later Latin name, Cibinium, was derived from that of the river, a tributary of the Olt. Sibiu was refounded by Saxon (German) colonists in the 12th century as Hermannsdorf (later Hermannstadt). The old medieval town is in two parts, the upper town built on a terrace and the lower town on the banks of the Cibin, the two being connected through an old district by narrow, cobbled alleys called the Fingerling Stairway. A citadel, built by the Saxon settlers in the 13th century, was destroyed by the Tatars in 1241 and rebuilt in the 14th century. Massive brick walls erected around the upper town gave it the nickname “Red Town,” for the colour of the walls, which repelled several Turkish attacks in the 15th and 16th ... read more

Europe » Romania » Transilvania » Viscri March 7th 2021 7th March - The Treasures of Transylvania: Horse drawn carriage ride through a UNESCO Saxon Village and its Fortified Church Today we are in Viscri, with it’s many traditional houses, part of the Saxon heritage of the community, Viscri is best-known for its white fortified church, first mentioned in 1400. The King of Hungary in the 12th century had a problem, his kingdom needed defending, especially in the south and east, in what is now Romania. It was the Middle Ages, and everybody was fighting over territory. So he sent ethnic Germans to settle in Transylvania, and they continued to move there until the end of the 13th century. These colonists became known as Saxons. In order to defend themselves against attack, especially from the Ottomans they built fortifications. In some cases the fortification centered ... read more

Europe » Romania » Transilvania » Brasov March 6th 2021 6th March - The medieval city of Brasov, the Crown of Transylvania Braşov is part of ‘Burzenland’, a historical region in Transylvania. During the Middle Ages, this area fell under the rule of the Hungarian Kingdom. In 1211 King Andrew II struck a deal with the Teutonic Knights (Germans) and gave them unrestricted access to Burzenland. The Teutons built five castles in the region and named Braşov ‘Corona’. This is one of the many historical names that would follow over the centuries. The Saxons named the city ‘Kronstadt’. Later the names Brasco, Stephanopolis, and Stalin City followed. The German-Hungarian history resulted in the fact that up until the First World War almost 70% of the local population was Hungarian or German. The two World Wars and the policies of the Soviet Union changed this balance. ... read more

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest March 2nd 2021 1st March - Bucharest Night Tour - The 'Little Paris of the East' A different virtual tour - A night one ! For centuries, Bucharest has been at the crossroad between the Christian kingdoms to the west, the Tsars of the east and the Ottoman Empire to the south. It was from these influences that Bucharest was in its prime when the country prospered under king Carol I. Following a great fire in 1847, that sent a third of the city up in flames, there was need for new construction. Beautiful boulevards were laid in french style, luxurious palaces were constructed and the face of the city was defined by the architecture of the Belle Époque style. These important years from 1848 to 1930s shaped the city and is the reason why it was known ... read more

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest February 3rd 2021 3rd February - Bucharest A different tour today, not so much about the postcard views but an interesting insight into the political timeline of Romania. A first virtual tour by Mihai, our guide today was in a park overlooking the huge Parliament Building. Built by Communist Party leader, Nicolae Ceausescu, the colossal Palace of the Parliament, formerly known as the People’s Palace, is the second largest administrative building in the world after the Pentagon. It took 20,000 workers and 700 architects to build this massive structure. The palace boasts 12 stories, 1,100 rooms, a 100-m-long lobby and four underground levels, including an enormous nuclear bunker. When construction started in 1984, the dictator intended it to be the headquarters of his government. Today, it houses the Parliament of ... read more

Europe » Romania October 28th 2020

Si está planeando un viaje a Rumania y es la primera vez que visita Rumania y busca consejos de viaje y qué visitar, aquí hay una lista de las cosas más importantes que los lugareños creemos que los turistas deberían saber sobre visitar Rumania. ¡Hay muchas cosas interesantes que hacer en nuestro país y te lo contamos todo! Puede reservar excursiones y excursiones de un día auténticas e interesantes por todo el país con los mejores guías cuidadosamente seleccionados, encontrar mucha información útil para planificar su viaje y obtener ayuda para planificar su itinerario o crear una excursión personalizada. Somos lugareños apasionados por nuestro país que queremos ayudar a los viajeros a descubrir la belleza de Rumanía mientras apoyamos el turismo responsable, local y ecológico. Esta guía se actualizó en enero de 2019. Datos breves sobre ... read more

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest » Bucurestii Noi July 25th 2020

Bonjour à tous, Après deux jours à Bucarest, je peux affirmer, que ce pays avait le culte de la démesure en matière de construction. Sans aucun doute l'influence Russe. Si depuis que je suis parti, je me plaignais de ne pas trouver de restaurants le soir, ça n'a pas été le cas hier. L'hôtel est situé tout proche de la vieille ville de Bucarest, sur une surface que j'estime de la place Bellecour, à Lyon, une trentaine de petites rues où les restaurants se touchent tous, 200, peut être plus. Devant tous, une très jolie fille fait du racolage, tous 5-10 mètres, on se fait agressé. Evidemment vu le nombre d'établissements et vu le peu de clientèle ça se comprend. Peut être le covid??. Difficile de faire un choix, ils proposent, à quelques variantes près les ... read more
piata Arcul de Triumf
Parc Carol
Bucarest vieille ville

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest » Bucurestii Noi July 24th 2020

Bonjour à tous, Hier j'exprimais mes doutes sur la probité des gens de la région. Pour souper hier soir encore une galère, encore tout fermé, mais bon je trouve à quelques centaines de mètres de l'hôtel, et si avait eu le choix, ce n'est pas le resto, que j'aurais choisi. Pas de menu affiché en extérieur, mais ça c'est très courant. Beaucoup de viande au menu, je commande un rumsteak, il me sert un genre tournedos, c'est pas grave, bien qu'un peu trop cuite la viande était délicieuse, 2 boules de glace en dessert, 2 bières le tout en 2 heures. J'étais en rage. Je sais que ce soir j'ai explosé le budget, je suis passé de 8-12e, par soir au double. Il m'apporte l'addition, la note est dans un étui, qu'il pose sur la table, ... read more
Piata Unirii
Muzeul de istorie à Bucurestilui
Bulvardul Inirii

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