Craiova - Day 1

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Europe » Romania » Oltenia » Dolj » Craiova
April 26th 2010
Published: April 27th 2010
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in the stationin the stationin the station

Your scribe, waiting for the train.
Though we are of a similar age I still felt Peter's fatherly concern. He is also likely to be the last American I'll see for some time. After a quick run to the train station at quarter to 6, a re-purchase of the ticket and a race to the train I found a quite modern rail car.

The car was not crowded and I was actually able to choose my own seat without objection from the conductor. It was very interesting to view the variety of countryside and marveling at example after example of Romania as "The Land of Good Enough and Also Not Quite."

The highlight of the trip was when I woke up from a nod-off and couldn't find my mobile phone. Convinced someone had taken it out of my pocket as I dozed, I asked a nearby lady to call my number as I prepared to pounce on whoever exhibited the distinctive ring tone. She dialed and there was the ring!!! It was coming from inside my shirt where I suddenly remember I had stashed it. I looked at her, twirled my finger at my temple and burst out laughing.

"My Romanian Girls" booked a hotel for me and since they couldn't reach me we agreed I would take a taxi to the hotel and we would meet later. The desk clerk spoke no English whatsoever, but we were able toget me registered. The actual stubbling point was when I asked "unde farmacia?" She just could/would not suss out "far-ma-chee-a" out of my "far-ma-see-a."

Geanina was able to show up early and we picked up some aspirin and plasters for the terrible blister on my foot. Stopping from time to time for rest or refreshment, we actually walked for several hours. We covered parks and churches and assorted old haunting grounds from her student days. After a while Otylia got off work and showed up and we proceeded on an extended taxi tour. My constant questions about how old stuff was gave then the opening to make up a nice little fairy tale that took me a while hem to call them on. We capped the evening with a beer in the park and a stroll through the town's largest cemetery.


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