Blogs from Auschwitz, Lesser Poland, Poland, Europe - page 5


Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Auschwitz August 8th 2008

Poland to the Czech Republic Auschwitz and Birkenau Day 19 This was a morning that was not one I could prepare myself for. All I can say is that it was a moving moment at we walked around the concentration camps. The sheer size of them blew me away and the history was shocking to say the least. We were taken on a guided tour of the sight which took around two hours. I think that pictures speak louder than words in this instance so I’d prefer to show you the pictures Alex took rather than try to explain in words what it was like. ... read more

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Auschwitz August 7th 2008

AUSHWITZ-BIRKENAU August 7, 2008 Some say it is more difficult to visit Aushwitz Birkenau on a beautiful sunny day. Yes, the weather is lovely. Does that make it harder to imagine the atrocities committed against Jews and others in this place of hell? In any case, it was in the 80’s and the sun shone on everything. We met up with our guide, a young man who has been doing this full time for a year. He is a local Polish man whose uncle was among the first Polish local citizens who were killed by the Nazis at Aushwitz in the time before it became a labor/death camp for Jews We visited the Aushwitz part for about 3 hours then drove the couple of miles to the Birkenau death camp. We also heard about the third ... read more

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Auschwitz July 19th 2008

Finally, we reach the most important day of the holiday, and the reason for the whole trek around Europe ever happening: Auschwitz. As a history graduate, Auschwitz has always been an important place to me and one that I've always felt a strong inclination to visit. I didn't ever believe it would actually happen, until one day my brain woke up and just said "Why not?". Cue a two week trip across Europe, with one final destination in mind: Krakow, and within that, Auschwitz. Waking up on this morning though was not the same as waking up the morning we went to Salzburg (another big dream come true). This day felt heavy from the very start. We were up at 7:30am for breakfast, which in fitting with everything else at the Hotel Kazimierz, was very nice. ... read more

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Auschwitz July 10th 2008

Disclaimer; In order to avoid upset or inspire anger, I would like to point out my sincere sympathy and respect for those who died at Auschwitz as well as the families of those killed there and my views in no way seek to appease or dismiss the terrible events that took place there. We set aside Thurs morning to visit Auschwitz. We originally intended to take the tour but on discovering the package was 90 zlotys (about 30 pounds sterling) we decided to forgo it and rely upon our knowledge accumulated from GCSEs, books and the media and do it ourselves. We were told that it would be closer to get via the bus station and so we headed there, and then set off from stop D9, crammed into a minibus with about 20 other people, ... read more
Arbeit Machjt Frei
Auschwitz Must Never Be Repeated

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Auschwitz July 8th 2008

First things first. We decided to stay at this hostel another night instead of taking a night train to Prague. It just rocks too much, and we will leave for Prague, Czech Republic, in the morning. Now onto more serious, less logistical writing. Today we visited Auschwitz concentration camp. It's Kate here, by the way, Ian will post too. We both want to type our own experiences because something like this is extremely moving, and no two people will feel the exact same way. Upon arriving, I felt a mixture of conflicting emotions. I was nervous, excited, scared, curious, and awkward. The area outside of the camp was actually quite beautiful with tall green trees. The day was beautiful too, bright blue skies with patches of fluffy white clouds. I couldn't help but think that it ... read more

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Auschwitz June 29th 2008

The last day of our trip through Poland, we stopped in the town of Oscwiecim, which in German is Auschwitz. It is of course home to the famous Nazi concentration camps. It is not always clear from the information seen in a TV documentary or read in a book, but there are actually three Auschwitz camps close to one another. The main camp has been preserved and turned into the Auschwitz museum. It was the sight of approximately 70,000 deaths, while the nearby Auschwitz II (Birkenau) was the sight of several hundred thousand. The camp is not a happy place to visit, but it was well worth visiting. It is also not always mentioned that although Jews were the main target of the Nazis, many thousand Polish Catholics (including a huge percentage of the clergy), as ... read more
Auschwitz Concentration Camp
Firing Squad Wall
The Cell of Maximillian Kolbe

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Auschwitz June 14th 2008

6/14/08 Auschwitz It was hard to imagine that I was at the actual Auschwitz. You hear all these stories about how horrid a place it was and about the lives lost and the short supply of survivors and to actually be there is an out of body experience. First, I want to start with the facts of Auschwitz. It was started as a camp for Polish political prisoners. It was made by the prisoners themselves. Auschwitz is actually made up of three separate camps, Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II which included Birkenau, and Auschwitz III which was where Primo Levi was held. Auschwitz III was completely destroyed, so we did not visit it. There was nothing to see. Seventy to 75% of those arriving at Auschwitz were immediately sent to their death. There were 28 blocks in ... read more

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Auschwitz May 12th 2008

Today was the day to visit Auschwitz - one of those days that are not enjoyable, but essential to do when travelling - when we come into contact with the physical reality of an historical event, we can get a glimpse of the human reality - and come out the end of it different people. We have learned about the holocaust at school, through films and movies, but it was always a bit theoretical - over there. Seeing the physical buildings, standing in the gas chamber, seeing the sheer physical size of Birkenau, trying to comprehend the numbers, seeing the two tons of human hair that was to be woven into fabric - and then actually seeing a bolt of fabric--the finished product. Standing on the railway siding that minutes before we had seen in a ... read more
Auschwitz - Gas Chamber 1
Birkenau - Railway Siding
Birkenau - railway siding

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Auschwitz March 18th 2008

  今天大半日到了Auschwitz-Birkenau集中營,說實話,震撼感沒有想像般強烈,也許“Schindler’s List”來得更徹底。   今早打開窗看見白色物體在飄,懷疑是否下雪,但見天朗氣清,以為自己估錯;但坐巴士到火車站一下車,見到真的是下雪啊,那是我第一次遇到下雪。雪下得不大,只是散落著,間中有幾顆打在臉上,只覺微微濕潤,不算冷,因為氣溫本來已經夠低了……   未有想過3月仍會下雪,可算是額外收穫。   一直渴望在波蘭靜下來留自己一個思考的空間,結果真的給我分到一間單人房,但往往每晚收拾完畢已屆十時多,別說看書了,連寫日記亦未必夠力。   初進波蘭時,覺得很簡陋,還擔心自己接受不了;但只消半晚便安頓了下來,始終人們比起德國大城市的純樸一點(德國始終太多類似邊青的物體),這裡物資不算貧乏,但不會有太多,這應該就是今次我來想過的生活了。無論文字、語音、人們的模樣、基建等,都令我想起克羅地亞/Split。 video: 第一次見到下雪 ... read more
Dworzec Glowny Wschod
Photo 3
Photo 4

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