Arrival in Norway! 🇳🇴

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Europe » Norway » Eastern Norway » Oslo
May 29th 2023
Published: June 2nd 2023
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Norway arrivalNorway arrivalNorway arrival

Our arrival in Oslo!
Our flight from Frankfurt landed in Oslo this afternoon. Shelley, Kristine, and I made our way off the plane to the duty free area where we purchased some of our ‘booze’ for the trip. Wine and spirits. I bought a bottle of Laphroaig that is only available when travelling. We also picked up some wine to enjoy while here in the south.

After having successfully navigated the duty free we then made our way towards Customs. There were two rather large entrances to walk through, one was coloured green, the other red. The red one was for those who has something to declare. We had bought duty free items, so we thought we had to use that one. Nope. We weren’t over our limit, so we were able to walk on through. We then came through some doors and all of a sudden we see our family on the other side with Norwegian flags waiting for us to arrive!

Henning, Hilde, Matilde, Philip, Johan, Olav Kristian were on hand to welcome us to Norway. We were so excited to have arrived!

We then made our way through Oslo to Snarøya, where they live. Matilde and Henning were off in one vehicle, while the rest of us piled into their large travel van. Once we arrived home we exchanged some gifts. Hilde then brought out some bags for us. She had knit a Norwegian sweater for me! Not only that, she also had the beginnings of a sweater for each of the ladies too! Shelley and Kristine would be getting a sweater made for them. The sweater is beautiful and I was so honoured and thrilled that she would take the time to do that for me.

We then had a little lunch of waffles with brunost (Misvaerost and flottebrandelost), strawberry and raspberry jam, sour cream, multer (cloudberries in Canada). A little butter was added to the waffles and then a combination of the assortment was laid on and enjoyed.

Our time was spent up on the patio of their home enjoying the sunshine. The girls eventually went down below for a nap while the rest of us continued on with our visiting.

Supper time came and we enjoyed some reindeer meat prepared by Hilde. Shelley really enjoyed having mashed potatoes made with some celery root - she’d never had that before. After supper was completed I did all of the cleaning up in the kitchen with some help from Johan. We all then continued around the supper table to visit and share stories and memories together.

It was just before eleven o’clock when we finally called it quits and headed to bed for the night.


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