Monaco - Playground of the Rich and Famous

Europe » Monaco
December 18th 2022
Published: January 14th 2023
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Dear All Greetings! It doesn't feel too long ago since I was last travelling, and now I'm back again after a lovely little mini pre-Christmas break, to visit my 85th country. After returning from Scandinavia in August, I realised that I only have 10 countries to go before I can say I've done Europe! Three of these countries actually belong to the little group known as the six "micro-states" of Eu... Read Full Entry

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14th January 2023
Monte Carlo Casino

The Opulence of Monte Carlo
Great Blog!...Wow, you got to see Royalty up close. That is very cool. The performance at the church sounds lovely. I would have enjoyed that. People around the world are so nice. I'm glad your host invited you along. It is a cute part of the world. Keep traveling. MJ
14th January 2023
Monte Carlo Casino

What a perfect word for Monaco! A visit there is a real experience indeed. The hospitality of some of the people we meet on the road is really something. Thanks for reading and commenting Merry 😊
14th January 2023
Monte Carlo Casino

Oh, I'd like to see that...
When we visited Monaco we never entered the Casino, we only saw it from the outside. Seeing your pics I regret that decision. /Ake
14th January 2023
Monte Carlo Casino

Ah, sorry to hear, the casino was a real highlight for me. Hopefully you still got to see some other amazing places in this lovely little country.
14th January 2023

Show me the money!
Dave here....enjoyed your blog. Amazing that Prince Albert was at the church. Amazing little nation, no?
15th January 2023

Money money money
Thanks Dave 😊 Indeed, a very intriguing little nation.
15th January 2023

The luxury of Monaco
Thank you for taking us on a trip to luxurious and glamorous Monaco. I have never been to interested in visiting the city-state, but I think I changed my mind!
15th January 2023

Thanks for this, and so nice to hear I may have inspired a visit for you! It is quite a unique place, and I enjoyed my very short time there. Thank you for reading and commenting :)
17th January 2023

Classic and Classy!
Wonderful write up of your time in Monaco, Alex! Your photos are also wonderful! Often travelers do not equate experiencing opulence and luxury with that of genuine travel. Yet I believe that is a myth and Monaco is evidence of how it's possible to enjoy both because that is the true nature of this small country. I, also, regret not being able to visit the Casino. However, it felt quite wonderful to actually walk on a street which is part of the Monte Carlo Gran Prix circuit there; (I was privileged to be able to drive a Maserati this past December!!) and, to see where Princess Grace is entombed -- those were highlights of my day there! Your time in Monaco was so much more encompassing of sights there than mine was though!
17th January 2023

Classic and Classy!
Two more great words to describe Monaco, Sylvia, I completely agree! Also, what a very true comment about being able to combine luxury with genuine travel, and Monaco being an example of that - it certainly is the nature of the country. I felt so blessed with my time there, it was very much a highlight for me. Thanks for reading and commenting :D
30th January 2023

What a change!
I just finished reading your Iceland blogs, and what a change Monaco must have been! I admit I don't have much interest in Monaco, but it sounds like you enjoyed your time there very much.
31st January 2023

Indeed, good point - it was very different to Iceland. The only thing that was similar was the expense, lol! Thanks for reading Lori 😊
18th October 2023

Your blog makes me want to revisit Monaco again. My visit was a busy Saturday evening so definitely feel I should go back and explore that casino with a tour. I loved all those nice cars, especially the velvet black Lamborghini. Sorry I'm mega behind on your blogs, but I'll catch-up
18th October 2023

Thanks Alan! I really loved Monaco, and I would very much recommend a full day or two there if you can. The cars were amazing! Ah, no worries, I seem to be writing so many blogs at the moment, now that my travelling is well-and-truly up-and-running again!

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