Hilariously Funny Italian Army Comedians

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Europe » Italy » Veneto » Venice
August 18th 1990
Published: October 27th 2010
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The train was so late arriving at the Italian border that they refused to let it continue. Who the hell are they to criticise? We all had to pile off the train and wait for a connecting train to Venice. What arrived was a standard commuter train, which was full before we all got on it. This confused me as, according to my diary, it was a Saturday.

As-per-usual, all the Italians were immaculate, and they were very unimpressed by all us scruffy (and by this point probably very smelly) Inter-railers. It was all right for them, as they hadn't just spent the night in the corridor of a grotty Yugoslavian train. Mind you, knowing the Italians, they would still look pristine. Some pratt in an army uniform was obviously taking the mickey, much to the amusement of some of the Italians. It was all very childish, especially since he didn't know when to stop and you could tell that many of the Italians started to get bored.

I tried to change the Greek currency, but I was stuck with a 1000 drachma note, which are apparently out of circulation now. Greek bastards.

The girls knew of a campsite on the Lido, which was a short bus-boat ride away from Venice and where you could just spread out your sleeping bag on the ground without the need for a tent. That sounded like a good idea to me. Got off the boat to discover a road and cars!?


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