Day 17 - Sciliy

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Europe » Italy » Sicily » Mount Etna
October 31st 2023
Published: October 31st 2023
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Mount Etna

We overnighted at Siracuse and woke up to much warmer weather, although it would be soon be getting cold and windy for Leonie and I as we had opted to go up Mt Etna.

The 90 min bus drive was well worth the trip - we were rewarded with amazing views and a walk around one of Etna's many craters - from some angles were could easily be on a different planet. It is hard to believe that people still leave on the volcano.

With only 1 day in Sicily we did not have enough time to explore the island, but it was nice to be back in warmer weather - might even go for a swim!!!

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