Greek Christmas

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December 17th 2015
Published: December 25th 2015
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Today we are heading to Haifa in Israel after a few days in Greece.

The weather has been great. The are mainly to cover up dishevelled clothing rather than for warmth. It's probably a bit warmer than a Brisbane winter's day. Not really a hardship. We've been to three places in Greece: Olympia, Athens and Rhodes. Unfortunately because of a strike by museum guards over the weekend we hardly got to see any of the archaeological sites close up.

We did get to see the Parthenon from a distance. It's on a really big hill. The project manager was obviously seeking. 360 degree view and he certainly achieved that! Rhodes was lovely. We were in the old town near the port. Lots of shops selling tourist stuff and lots and lots of cats. Not many dogs. Cats obviously rule on Rhodes! I approve!

The food on the ship is still pretty lacklustre except we know which stuff to dodge. I've settled on spaghetti bolognese for dinner. That's always good. I watched peter valiantly try to chew his way through some Guinea fowl last night. The term Shoe leather came to mind!

To celebrate Christmas we are having a concert. Peter and I and our friends have joined the Choir to sing carol's on Christmas Eve. We have had two rehearsals which were hilarious in that they were conducted mainly in Italian with some French and German chucked in. Not much English but it doesn't seem to matter much.

The show is being run by the very enthusiastic creative director and several of the ship's musicians and crew. She told the ship's star tenor off today which I don't think he expected! I hadn't expected to have another gig in 2015.....

It's Christmas Eve as I write this. We are having a special Christmas dinner tonight and then a big Christmas concert. Thank you MSC you came through in the end! We hope you all had a great Christmas. We are missing you but not the heat! love Sandra and Peter xx

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26th December 2015

keeping in touch
Dear Sandra & Peter. Thank you for your Christmas Card. We had a houseful yesterday very busy day, I didn't feel good have been fighting a bug for a few days, yesterday was not good !!!. Still sick today, Carmen's sick also, boy we sound a real sorry pr. It's so interesting following your blog. Love Auntie Sandra XXX
27th December 2015

Arriving in Rome
Hi auntie. Sorry to hear you are sick. Glad you could still make your legendary sausage rolls. I talk about how awesome they are every Christmas. We're waiting to disembark for Rome. I've been in the wars. I fell over twice on the 23rd in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. That was going into a church and out of another one. I'm coming good now. Peter is as usual larger than life. Love to you both sandra. X

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