Day 7, Ravenna, Italy

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Europe » Italy » Emilia-Romagna
September 10th 2022
Published: September 17th 2022
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We get to board a shuttle that will take us to the train station in Ravenna. There are a lot of cruise passengers who take the trains rather than fly.

Directions were fairly easy, one main street to the main square all others laid out on a square grid.

We found a café and got 2 double cappuccinos to get our energy level up. Also got 2 stuffed croissants.

Since it is Sunday the entire city was closed (????) churches included. What?

Streets were deserted which was a nice change. However our main purpose was clothes shopping for Elke. No luggage yet! Total epic failure by Air Canada.

We managed to find a square and discovered a crowd gathering. After talking with a Carbinieri Federali, we find that today is the 701 anniversary of the death of Dante Alligheri. He was born in Florence but moved to Ravenna where he died. Don’t know who he is? Dante’s Inferno or the famous poem about the levels of hell.

The police officer also told us of a great place for lunch which was just around the corner.

After lunch, did some more exploring but couldn’t find

2 double capucinnos, Croissants, Pistachio & Zabagione
anything open.

Back to the ship.

Tomorrow Kotor, Montenegro.

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