Our Destination Ready For The AI Apocalypse

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Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Santorini »  Ia
May 31st 2023
Published: June 1st 2023
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Classic Oia SunsetClassic Oia SunsetClassic Oia Sunset

Our windmill is the one on the left.
The news headlines this morning are all about Artificial Intelligence and how it's going to mean the end of civilisation. It's all something that I haven't really paid much attention to, so whilst we were in the airport terminal my daughter explained it all to me, but she made it quite clear that she would never even contemplate the idea of using it to help with any of her essays. I asked it if it could write me a short blog about our flight from Heathrow:

"Thrills and Tranquillity: Our Heathrow Flight - Amidst the hustle and bustle of Heathrow, our spirits soared as we boarded the plane. Ascending through the clouds, we left behind the worries of life, embracing the excitement of a new adventure."

It sounds fantastic and I'm really looking forward to the experience now. It had obviously known that we weren't flying with EasyJet (see Lemons, Mutant Lemons, Lemon Merchandise and, in a Moment of Madness, a Lemon Drink) this time. Following all the headlines, the only worries we were leaving behind, though, are the worries of being wiped out by AI and living out the rest of our lives in a Matrix or Terminator like dystopia. Hopefully the Greek headlines will be more optimistic.

As per
Cleaning RobotCleaning RobotCleaning Robot

I’ll be back. Again and again and again.
usual, we played it safe and got to the airport with three hours to spare, but just to discover that we couldn't go to the bag-drop for an hour. Obvious question from our daughter - why couldn't she have had another hour in bed?

It did give us time to watch an automated floor cleaner, which seemed to be all confused and just kept covering the same narrow strip over and over again, occasionally turning, but then changing its mind and carrying on again. Clearly AI still has some way to go, as there is no way I could imagine that transforming into an Arnold Schwarzenegger styled cyborg to mercilessly hunt us all into extinction. We haven't got anything to worry about for a while yet.

Sadly there were still no complementary whisky cocktails for when we arrived on this flight (see Keeping up Appearances), so we had to make do with a bottle of water and some pretzels. No free inflight meals on BA short-haul anymore. My wife had come prepared though and she pulled out a huge bag of crisps, sandwiches and cakes. I was grateful and wasn't complaining, but it went some way to explain the problems

Why there are delays at airport security.
we had had at airport security.

The hotel had sent someone to pick us up from the airport, so he took us straight to Oia in the north of Santorini, where we were actually staying in a windmill. We were so excited to be staying in a windmill and it's an amazing, characterful place to stay, it's charming and it's unusual. That said, it's not what you would call practical - it's on three levels, a bedroom at the top, a small lounge area in the middle and another bedroom, a small kitchen and a bathroom at the bottom. It's tight and the stairs between levels are steep and narrow. They'll be no drinking whilst we're here as it will definitely end with a hospital visit.

Despite the early start, it was evening by the time we had arrived and were ready to explore Oia. After a walk around, I went to the Old Fort, which is supposed to be great for the sunset and has the classic views back towards the windmills. Our windmill actually has it's own little terrace to view the sunset, but I figured it would be better to get some photographs of the
Windmill StepsWindmill StepsWindmill Steps

Not to be used when you’ve been drinking.
windmill rather than from the windmill.

Me and every other tourist in Santorini. To say this view of the sunset is popular, is putting it mildly. I got there an hour before the sunset and, already, every path, every wall, every balcony and even the odd roof were all covered in people waiting for the sunset. Many were sitting on the edge of the cliff, so I'm not the only one who puts health and safety to one side where photographs and views are concerned (see Health and Safety is Secondary to Photography). I ended-up standing on a wall of the fort behind everyone sitting along the edge. It's a good job my wife wasn't there.

Tomorrow, maybe we'll avoid the crowds and relax on the windmill terrace and enjoy a civilised view of the sunset with a beer and some wine.

Now, how can I describe the Oia sunset:

"The Oia sunset is a mesmerising spectacle. As the sun descends over the sparkling Aegean Sea, the sky transforms into a kaleidoscope of vibrant colours, casting a breathtaking glow on the iconic whitewashed buildings."

I'm not sure about the kaleidoscope and there's no mention of the crowds, but thank you AI.
Windmill RoomWindmill RoomWindmill Room

Loads of character but a bit tight.

Once the sun had set, there was a round of applause and then most people released the positions they had so relentlessly held on to and left. The sky was holding on to its kaleidoscope of colours, but it was also considerably quieter and the lights were starting to cast a glow over the buildings, so it actually made better photographs.

It was 9.30pm by the time we went out to get something to eat. The main path through the village is narrow and winding, with lots of cobbles and steps continuously up and down. There are loads of shops, bars and restaurants, although the restaurants were extremely expensive. We found one where we liked the menu, but we may well look further a field tomorrow for somewhere a bit cheaper.

My daughter and I had a Greek style burger, where the burger is laying on top of some pitta bread rather than in a bun, along with some Greek salad and tzatziki. Different, but very nice.

All things considered, Santorini would be a great place to hide out ready for when the AI apocalypse starts.

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Enjoying The SunsetEnjoying The Sunset
Enjoying The Sunset

Along with everyone else in Santorini.

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