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Europe » Germany
October 23rd 2023
Published: October 24th 2023
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0


This morning we had a lovely sail between Linz and Passau, it started as a very cold foggy morning but soon changed into blue skies and a rather pleasant 16oC.

I managed to catch up on some work whilst the boat meander along the Danube and navigated a couple of locks.

After lunch we arrived in Passau, Leonie took the tour through the town whilst I adventured up the hill to the castle to get the views over the 3 rivers.

All good things have to come to an end and this is our last day on the Avalon Endeavour.
It has been an amazing week, see new sites and meeting new people.

Next stop Verona.

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