What Is Paris Syndrome?

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January 15th 2024
Published: January 15th 2024
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What is Paris Syndrome?
(From the Independent (Natalie Wilson) Paris syndrome is often defined as a “state of severe culture shock”.

Physical and psychological symptoms when Paris fails to live up to expectations have been known to include hallucinations, a rapid heart rate, dizziness and nausea.

The late 20th-century disorder was named by a psychiatrist, Hiroaki Ota, in the 1980s.

It is thought a combination of factors explains why victims of the syndrome are almost exclusively Japanese. These are the Parisian picture of perfection in Japanese pop culture, a tricky language barrier and harsh cultural contrasts, to name just a few.

Several Japanese tourists have been admitted to psychiatric clinics for treatment in extreme cases since the early 2000s.

Yes – although it is rare.

Around 20 Japanese tourists are afflicted by the ailment each year. Unconfirmed reports even claim that the Japanese embassy in Paris has a 24-hour emergency hotline for those suffering from genuine symptoms of shock related to travel trauma.

Similar psychiatric symptoms have been known to strike tourists visiting Jerusalem. Triggered by the proximity of holy places, a psychotic state of paranoia can afflict travelers and pilgrims in the city, often linked to an intense religious experience.

Elsewhere, in Florence, holidaymakers overcome by the Italian city’s art and architecture may experience Stendhal syndrome – paranoia and palpitations brought on by the historic significance and beauty of what they see before them.

For me, I don't think I have ever suffered from culture shock or Paris Syndrome. I generally try to do my research BEFORE I go somewhere. If the trip is totally spontaneous, like Macau, Morocco, Ushuaia, Serbia, and Mallorca, I try to prepare mentally. And I learned on the golf course, many years ago, to always expect the unexpected!!! It has served me well in my travels.

Another suggestion is to let the trip happen, do not over plan, and do not overspend! Some of my best travel experiences have happened without ANY planning!!!

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