3 Days down...

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Europe » France » Île-de-France » Saint-Denis
July 18th 2007
Published: July 18th 2007
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Right, Im 3 days in now. So far i've been to Amsterdam, Antwerp, Paris and now in Bordeux for a couple hours. Amsterdam was crazy, so many vices in that city. We first went to a range of different backpackers but none had any room for us. Untill one place told us as we were walking out that there was a room available across town, WHich we took. Turns out across town meant in the middle of the red-light-district. The whole town stinks of weed and then you are bombarded with hundreds of sex shop, prostitutes and the famous women in the windows... Definatly a fun place to visit but i woldnt want to stay to long.

Next was Antwerp, sooooo many jewelry shops and a huge shopping street in the old part of town. Got me some nice shoes and then proceeded, stayed in a cheap as hotel and I went out and found a local bar, got drunk with some locals. During which i have been offered a behind the scenes tour of the famous antwerp museams.

Next day we got up at 4am to catch an early train to Paris. Once in paris we checked out some of the sights, Arc de Triumph, Eiffel tower, Champ Eylesses (sp) and the the outside of the Lourve.
We went up to the Notre Dam church and hat some dinner whilst watching the sun come down over Paris and listening to some local street performers.

Been an awesome 3 days so far. Ive been in 4 new countries and all been great experiences.

No photos right now as i cant get to my camera to upload them right now.

Till Next time... Bonjour


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